नई दिल्ली। कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष सोनिया गांधी की बेटी प्रियंका गांधी वाड्रा के ससुर राजिंदर वाड्रा शुक्रवार को दक्षिण दिल्ली स्थित एक गेस्टहाउस में पंखे से लटके पाए गए। एक वरिष्ठ पुलिस अधिकारी ने ‘आईएएनएस’ से कहा, “दिल्ली के हौजखास क्षेत्र में गेस्टहाउस सिटी इन में राजिंदर पंखे से लटके मिले। उन्होंने फांसी लगाने के लिए तार का इस्तेमाल किया। रूम अटेंडेंट ने उनको पंखे से लटके हुए सुबह करीब 9.30 बजे देखा”।अधिकारी ने कहा, “गेस्टहाउस कर्मचारियों ने उन्हें तत्काल साकेत स्थित अस्पताल पहुंचाया, जहां डॉक्टरों ने उन्हें मृत घोषित कर दिया। पोस्टमार्टम के लिए शव सफदरजंग अस्पताल भेज दिया गया है”।अधिकारी के अनुसार 60 वर्षीय वाड्रा कुछ समय से गेस्टहाउस में रह रहे थे। उनका लिवर संबंधित बीमारी का इलाज मैक्स अस्पताल में चल रहा था। पोस्टमार्टम के बाद उनका शव उनके पुत्र रॉबर्ट वाड्रा को सौंप दिया गया। जिसके बाद उनका अंतिम संस्कार लोधी रोड शवदाह गृह में किया गया। राजिंदर वाड्रा उत्तरप्रदेश के मुरादाबाद में सिविल लाइंस इलाके में रहते थे और वहां पीतल और लकड़ी से जुड़े शिल्पकला का व्यापार करते थे। करीब सात-आठ साल पहले रॉबर्ट वाड्रा ने अपने पिता और बड़े भाई रिचर्ड को नोटिस भेजा था जिसमें उन्होंने आरोप लगाया था कि प्रियंका से उनके रिश्ते का फायदा उठाते हुए वे उत्तरप्रदेश कांग्रेस कमेटी और मुरादाबाद जिला कांग्रेस कमेटी में लोगों की नियुक्तियां करवाते हैं। अपने परिवार से अलग रह रहे राजिंदर वाड्रा ने एक साक्षात्कार में बेटे के आरोप से इंकार किया था और बेटे की कांग्रेस पार्टी की अध्यक्ष सोनिया गांधी की पुत्री प्रियंका के साथ शादी पर नाखुशी जताई थी। कुछ वर्ष पहले राजिंदर की बेटी मिशेल की भी एक कार दुर्घटना में मौत हो गई थी।
Friday, April 10, 2009
Sometimes newspapers and T.V. News Channels decide what we should know and what we should not. Subramaniam Swamy's allegations against Sonia Gandhi were a case in point. We read about them day in and day out, without being told what the allegations were.
At some point in the month of March or April maverick politician Subramaniam Swamy who has been described as "a one-man demolition squad in Indian politics" held a press conference to make a series of serious allegations against Congress Party president, and the leader of the Opposition in India's Parliament. Most Delhi newspapers ignored them. With one or two exceptions, they did not even report his press conference. But Swami is persistent. He followed up on his charges with the government, and then suddenly it was announced that they had been referred to the Central Bureau of Investigation.
Now suddenly the newspapers were full of these charges, without telling you what they were. Some mentioned them briefly, somewhere in the body of the copy in passing. Other papers like the Hindustan Times covered the story of the incensed Congress party creating a daily rumpus in Parliament without telling you what the "baseless allegations" were that were angering the Congress. Very few magazines or newspapers wrote full-fledged pieces on them. They decided collectively, that the public had no right to know more.
On the day the Prime Minister clarified that there was no CBI inquiry as yet into these charges the Express reported the story as a first lead and put the charges (with the word in inverted commas) at the bottom of the story. The politics of the charges now made sure the story was on page one day after day but the substance of the charges was still not news. Congress Party spokesman Jaipal Reddy confirmed this when he said at one of his press briefings "even the media chose to ignore these allegations."
When asked why the press had been so shy of telling us what exactly Sonia Gandhi had been accused of, veteran political correspondents gave the following reasons: Swami is a loose cannon. His credibility is not high. The charges were serious, and difficult to prove. The press corps felt uneasy about them. So they would refer to the charges but not go to tone with them.
One allegation had to do with Rahul Gandhi receiving funds from the KGB. The second was about Sonia Gandhi being an insurance agent when she was not an Indian citizen. And the third and most serious was that her mother and sister had links with the LTTE, the Tamil guerrilla organisation that had assassinated her husband Rajiv. A fourth said she had illegally exported antiques.
The political editor of a newspaper adds, when charges are levelled against the prime minister and the leader of the opposition, the press is circumspect about them unless there is adequate proof.
Point taken, but still, readers have a right to know. Precisely because she holds such a crucial post in a democracy. And also because recent past history has shown that Subramaniam Swamy's persists with his charges. As Neerja Choudhury pointed out in her profile of him in the Indian Express, All India Anna DMK chief Jayalalitha has been convicted in two out of six cases he filed against her. If we have to keep reading about these allegations, we should know what they are.
At some point in the month of March or April maverick politician Subramaniam Swamy who has been described as "a one-man demolition squad in Indian politics" held a press conference to make a series of serious allegations against Congress Party president, and the leader of the Opposition in India's Parliament. Most Delhi newspapers ignored them. With one or two exceptions, they did not even report his press conference. But Swami is persistent. He followed up on his charges with the government, and then suddenly it was announced that they had been referred to the Central Bureau of Investigation.
Now suddenly the newspapers were full of these charges, without telling you what they were. Some mentioned them briefly, somewhere in the body of the copy in passing. Other papers like the Hindustan Times covered the story of the incensed Congress party creating a daily rumpus in Parliament without telling you what the "baseless allegations" were that were angering the Congress. Very few magazines or newspapers wrote full-fledged pieces on them. They decided collectively, that the public had no right to know more.
On the day the Prime Minister clarified that there was no CBI inquiry as yet into these charges the Express reported the story as a first lead and put the charges (with the word in inverted commas) at the bottom of the story. The politics of the charges now made sure the story was on page one day after day but the substance of the charges was still not news. Congress Party spokesman Jaipal Reddy confirmed this when he said at one of his press briefings "even the media chose to ignore these allegations."
When asked why the press had been so shy of telling us what exactly Sonia Gandhi had been accused of, veteran political correspondents gave the following reasons: Swami is a loose cannon. His credibility is not high. The charges were serious, and difficult to prove. The press corps felt uneasy about them. So they would refer to the charges but not go to tone with them.
One allegation had to do with Rahul Gandhi receiving funds from the KGB. The second was about Sonia Gandhi being an insurance agent when she was not an Indian citizen. And the third and most serious was that her mother and sister had links with the LTTE, the Tamil guerrilla organisation that had assassinated her husband Rajiv. A fourth said she had illegally exported antiques.
The political editor of a newspaper adds, when charges are levelled against the prime minister and the leader of the opposition, the press is circumspect about them unless there is adequate proof.
Point taken, but still, readers have a right to know. Precisely because she holds such a crucial post in a democracy. And also because recent past history has shown that Subramaniam Swamy's persists with his charges. As Neerja Choudhury pointed out in her profile of him in the Indian Express, All India Anna DMK chief Jayalalitha has been convicted in two out of six cases he filed against her. If we have to keep reading about these allegations, we should know what they are.
To see all articles of writer visit www.bharatsangh.com
Much has been said and written about 2004 General Election. What was the actual reason for the lost of BJP no concrete answer has been given either by BJP or by congress party?
If you want to borrow the reason for defeat from congress, communist or other so called secular parties than answer is very simple; people of India were fed up with communal politics of NDA. Another reason given by so-called secularist is that people were enthusiastic and rejuvenated under the dynamic leadership of Sonia Gandhi.
I don't subscribe to either of these two ideas. I have a different view of whole scenario. If we really want to analyse the defeat of BJP let us go back by a few years and understand the internal dynamics of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
A decade ago, as BJP came close to power, Atal and Advani prepareded the party to acquire the power. The party, now, has widely three categories of people.
The first category is of stars. By definition, a star is one, who has mass appeal. Orators, rabble-rousers, film actors and actresses, cricket players, well-known journalists and authors, even politicians from other parties and retired bureaucrats and judicial officers - fall in this category. Stars help the party by drawing people towards the party. This give BJP huge advantage over other political party who are lacking of Stars, especially Congress party which has got stars entirely from one family.
The second category includes fulltime workers of the party. Most of them join the party (or some related maternal organization of Sangh Parivar) early in their youth. They possess great skills required for 'organizational work' of BJP. They never wanted be employed in any job or profession. Most of them come from middle class families and have full faith in party ideology. They do live in party offices round the clock and render all possible help.
Almost as a rule, party takes care that only such people are given responsibility as fulltime workers, who have full faith in ideology of Nationalism.
Then there is third category of party-men, which consists of ordinary party workers.
BJP through its act proved that it would never compromise with the corruption. The height of this discipline was seen when, after Tehelka scandal, Party asked Party President Bangaru Laxman to resign and Bangaru resigned. Needless to say that it is only BJP where even Party President can be asked to resign. If it would have been any other party I never think that Party president would have resigned.
When Uma Bharti showed indiscipline, she was suspended from the party. No tears need be shed for her. She was a BJP star, who helped the party rise to power in Madhya Pradesh. On the other hand, she was a disaster as a Chief Minister. In the present episode, she has acted in a manner for which she was always known. Uma Bharti has proved incapable of governance. She is like a spoilt brat, who deserves no sympathy for her tantrums.
RSS plays its role in the setup by supplying a steady stream of fulltime workers and also a significant portion of ordinary workers.
The challenge before the party is to re-engineer itself as a party of governance and nationalistic ideology. For too long, the party has not acted directly in direction of achieving goal of Nationalism. It is slowly driving away competent, qualified, educated people who earlier chose to knock on its doors.
On the other hand, some incompetent state level bosses of the party are treating talent and competence as threats. They, are encouraging flattery and sycophancy in the party hierarchy. But the party needs talented, competent, capable persons, who can stand up to the incompetent state level bosses of party and guide and tell him that he is wrong, whenever they are wrong. BJP must re-evolve to a party of governance with specific ideology. Bharat needs a party like that for her democracy to survive.
Now let us talk progress made by BJP since 1980. Under the liberal leadership of Shri A.B. Vajpayee BJP got 2 seats in 1984 Loksabha election. Than came change in the BJP. After Advani's arrival as BJP president BJP brought nationalistic agenda to its main ideological front in aggressive and convincing manner. There was Boforce Scandal and people were hungry for change and wanted to make Shri V.P. Singh Prime Minister. In 1989 election BJP increased its tally to approximately 90 seats.
In 1990 BJP started Ram Temple movement and increased its tally in Loksabha and touched the 117 seats mark. In 1996 BJP emerged as single largest party in the Loksabha. It seems that BJP was hungry for power. It was almost 5 decades BJP was sitting in opposition. BJP never wanted to give up this chance of forming the government. The Vajpayee government of 1996 only lasted for 13 days, as they could not muster support of any other political party except Shivsena, which was its pre pole partner.
In 1998 BJP again emerged as single largest party. This time they make nice pre pole alliance, and this paid dividend for the BJP. It succeeded in forming the government with support of all Anti-congress elements. It was well thought decision of BJP to form the government in 1998. National Democratic Alliance (NDA) was formed and under the dynamic leadership of Shri A.B. Vajpayee government started functioning well.
Though BJP thought that it would strengthen its position and ideology by remaining in government but it failed in achieving that goal otherwise the government was functioning well. BJP was bound to compromise its nationalistic ideology to keep the secular partner with him. But by exploding nuclear bomb in May 1998 Vajpayee tried to prove that they are still heading with their nationalist agenda.
When people were happy with the performance of BJP and were satisfied with the NDA, Sonia Gandhi with support of all so-called secular party toppled the Vajpayee government. Sonia thought that people and all secular party will support her in forming the central government but she proved wrong. This wrong decision of Congress party further provided chance to Pakistan to make incursion in Bharat occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Vajpayee government not only defended the land of Bharat Mata but also defeated the congress party in the general election.
During 1999 election a debate started all over country about Sonia Gandhi's foreign origin and her Anti-Bharat approach during Kargil war.
The core issue for which BJP was known to be different than other political parties were Ram Temple issue, uniform civil code and Article 370. It was possible for the leader of BJP to create mass awareness among masses about their ideology and strengthen their mass base but BJP failed substantially in this direction.
From 1999 to 2004 BJP made all endeavour to prove that it is not only congress but BJP can also provide a stable government. In this whole exercise BJP totally lost its nationalistic identity. It was common perception of BJP voters that BJP is trying to prove better than Congress.
If we want to compare the performance of BJP government in these five years with the performance of 50 year of congress party then it cannot be denied that NDA has done a great job. There was huge investment in infrastructure building and poverty alleviation programme.
There has been lot of talk about effect of FEEL GOOD and BHARAT UDAI. When advertisement of Bharat Udai was started it was heart touching. Mass of this country came to know about the achievement of NDA during these five-year. So many political leaders of other political parties crossed to BJP camp. There was definite feel good. But this slogan, which was in the heart of people, did not convert into vote for BJP due to other aspect of real politics.
If we read whatever mentioned above than there is nothing for which BJP could have lost the power. Actually, there were number of mistakes committed by BJP which resulted in its defeat.
The biggest reason for BJP's lost was its reluctant approach on foreign-born issue. Core voter of BJP expected that leaders of BJP would take firm stand against not only on foreign-born issue but related corruption charges against Sonia Gandhi. But at some level BJP got convinced that foreign-born issue will benefit congress party. BJP failed to oppose corruption charges levelled by Sonia Gandhi during course of election rallies and road shows, and BJP leaders knowing well various scandals in which Sonia Gandhi was involved did not even tried to raise those issues. This provided a false perception in the mind of masses that BJP was involved in corruption and Congress leader was an innocent lady, who has done a great sacrifice by marring to and Indian and she was able to emotionally blackmail Indian mass by calling herself Bahu, Beti and Vidhwa.Satya Mave Jayte (let the truth prevail) is the Mantra. When we are talking to the masses they except leaders to tell the truth. If it is perceived by the people that some thing is being hided from them than people do teach a lesson for it.
If you want to borrow the reason for defeat from congress, communist or other so called secular parties than answer is very simple; people of India were fed up with communal politics of NDA. Another reason given by so-called secularist is that people were enthusiastic and rejuvenated under the dynamic leadership of Sonia Gandhi.
I don't subscribe to either of these two ideas. I have a different view of whole scenario. If we really want to analyse the defeat of BJP let us go back by a few years and understand the internal dynamics of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
A decade ago, as BJP came close to power, Atal and Advani prepareded the party to acquire the power. The party, now, has widely three categories of people.
The first category is of stars. By definition, a star is one, who has mass appeal. Orators, rabble-rousers, film actors and actresses, cricket players, well-known journalists and authors, even politicians from other parties and retired bureaucrats and judicial officers - fall in this category. Stars help the party by drawing people towards the party. This give BJP huge advantage over other political party who are lacking of Stars, especially Congress party which has got stars entirely from one family.
The second category includes fulltime workers of the party. Most of them join the party (or some related maternal organization of Sangh Parivar) early in their youth. They possess great skills required for 'organizational work' of BJP. They never wanted be employed in any job or profession. Most of them come from middle class families and have full faith in party ideology. They do live in party offices round the clock and render all possible help.
Almost as a rule, party takes care that only such people are given responsibility as fulltime workers, who have full faith in ideology of Nationalism.
Then there is third category of party-men, which consists of ordinary party workers.
BJP through its act proved that it would never compromise with the corruption. The height of this discipline was seen when, after Tehelka scandal, Party asked Party President Bangaru Laxman to resign and Bangaru resigned. Needless to say that it is only BJP where even Party President can be asked to resign. If it would have been any other party I never think that Party president would have resigned.
When Uma Bharti showed indiscipline, she was suspended from the party. No tears need be shed for her. She was a BJP star, who helped the party rise to power in Madhya Pradesh. On the other hand, she was a disaster as a Chief Minister. In the present episode, she has acted in a manner for which she was always known. Uma Bharti has proved incapable of governance. She is like a spoilt brat, who deserves no sympathy for her tantrums.
RSS plays its role in the setup by supplying a steady stream of fulltime workers and also a significant portion of ordinary workers.
The challenge before the party is to re-engineer itself as a party of governance and nationalistic ideology. For too long, the party has not acted directly in direction of achieving goal of Nationalism. It is slowly driving away competent, qualified, educated people who earlier chose to knock on its doors.
On the other hand, some incompetent state level bosses of the party are treating talent and competence as threats. They, are encouraging flattery and sycophancy in the party hierarchy. But the party needs talented, competent, capable persons, who can stand up to the incompetent state level bosses of party and guide and tell him that he is wrong, whenever they are wrong. BJP must re-evolve to a party of governance with specific ideology. Bharat needs a party like that for her democracy to survive.
Now let us talk progress made by BJP since 1980. Under the liberal leadership of Shri A.B. Vajpayee BJP got 2 seats in 1984 Loksabha election. Than came change in the BJP. After Advani's arrival as BJP president BJP brought nationalistic agenda to its main ideological front in aggressive and convincing manner. There was Boforce Scandal and people were hungry for change and wanted to make Shri V.P. Singh Prime Minister. In 1989 election BJP increased its tally to approximately 90 seats.
In 1990 BJP started Ram Temple movement and increased its tally in Loksabha and touched the 117 seats mark. In 1996 BJP emerged as single largest party in the Loksabha. It seems that BJP was hungry for power. It was almost 5 decades BJP was sitting in opposition. BJP never wanted to give up this chance of forming the government. The Vajpayee government of 1996 only lasted for 13 days, as they could not muster support of any other political party except Shivsena, which was its pre pole partner.
In 1998 BJP again emerged as single largest party. This time they make nice pre pole alliance, and this paid dividend for the BJP. It succeeded in forming the government with support of all Anti-congress elements. It was well thought decision of BJP to form the government in 1998. National Democratic Alliance (NDA) was formed and under the dynamic leadership of Shri A.B. Vajpayee government started functioning well.
Though BJP thought that it would strengthen its position and ideology by remaining in government but it failed in achieving that goal otherwise the government was functioning well. BJP was bound to compromise its nationalistic ideology to keep the secular partner with him. But by exploding nuclear bomb in May 1998 Vajpayee tried to prove that they are still heading with their nationalist agenda.
When people were happy with the performance of BJP and were satisfied with the NDA, Sonia Gandhi with support of all so-called secular party toppled the Vajpayee government. Sonia thought that people and all secular party will support her in forming the central government but she proved wrong. This wrong decision of Congress party further provided chance to Pakistan to make incursion in Bharat occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Vajpayee government not only defended the land of Bharat Mata but also defeated the congress party in the general election.
During 1999 election a debate started all over country about Sonia Gandhi's foreign origin and her Anti-Bharat approach during Kargil war.
The core issue for which BJP was known to be different than other political parties were Ram Temple issue, uniform civil code and Article 370. It was possible for the leader of BJP to create mass awareness among masses about their ideology and strengthen their mass base but BJP failed substantially in this direction.
From 1999 to 2004 BJP made all endeavour to prove that it is not only congress but BJP can also provide a stable government. In this whole exercise BJP totally lost its nationalistic identity. It was common perception of BJP voters that BJP is trying to prove better than Congress.
If we want to compare the performance of BJP government in these five years with the performance of 50 year of congress party then it cannot be denied that NDA has done a great job. There was huge investment in infrastructure building and poverty alleviation programme.
There has been lot of talk about effect of FEEL GOOD and BHARAT UDAI. When advertisement of Bharat Udai was started it was heart touching. Mass of this country came to know about the achievement of NDA during these five-year. So many political leaders of other political parties crossed to BJP camp. There was definite feel good. But this slogan, which was in the heart of people, did not convert into vote for BJP due to other aspect of real politics.
If we read whatever mentioned above than there is nothing for which BJP could have lost the power. Actually, there were number of mistakes committed by BJP which resulted in its defeat.
The biggest reason for BJP's lost was its reluctant approach on foreign-born issue. Core voter of BJP expected that leaders of BJP would take firm stand against not only on foreign-born issue but related corruption charges against Sonia Gandhi. But at some level BJP got convinced that foreign-born issue will benefit congress party. BJP failed to oppose corruption charges levelled by Sonia Gandhi during course of election rallies and road shows, and BJP leaders knowing well various scandals in which Sonia Gandhi was involved did not even tried to raise those issues. This provided a false perception in the mind of masses that BJP was involved in corruption and Congress leader was an innocent lady, who has done a great sacrifice by marring to and Indian and she was able to emotionally blackmail Indian mass by calling herself Bahu, Beti and Vidhwa.Satya Mave Jayte (let the truth prevail) is the Mantra. When we are talking to the masses they except leaders to tell the truth. If it is perceived by the people that some thing is being hided from them than people do teach a lesson for it.
To see all articles of writer visit www.bharatsangh.com
After reading this book one would came to conclusion that why I am against Sonia. I want to clarify that I am not against Sonia per se; I am against her because I am not able to understand how she can change his loyalty merely because she has been issued with citizenship certificate of this country.
Suppose I go to some other country and due to slackly codified rule of that country I get a chance to get elected to political post. For that law will demand me to declare that I am loyal to that country. I am sure just for the sake of occupying high political post I may take oath and say that I am loyal to that country. But real question will be, Can it change my heart? I think not because my heart will only sing 'Saare Jahan se Acchha Hindustan Hamara.'
Changing loyalty to some other nation is just like changing mother. And we all know that no one can change his mother though some one may falsely claim so. I want to know from Sonia - Is she trying to deceit us by showing herself patriotic Indian? I think as many as dialogue I came across in Hindi movies to express patriotism, all most all has been read by Sonia Gandhi from different stages.
And what is guarantee as she changed her loyalty from Italy to India, she will not change her loyalty from India to some other country viz. Vatican. After all her allegiance to Vatican is already established her being a catholic Christian.
What is said in Sanskrit, “Janani janma Bhumischa swargadapi gariyase” That means mother and motherland is higher than heaven. And it is part of our culture. Does Sonia did not love her motherland more than heaven. If she say, No, she does not love her motherland more than heaven then at least we the people of India are not going to allow her to become Prime Minister of India, and If the is yes then she should explain what she is doing in India? Is she serving interest of Italy and Vatican? But Sonia claims to have changed her loyalty from Italian to Indian. If today she has changed her loyalty from Italy to India tomorrow she may change her loyalty to America if she is allowed to hold post of American President because it is more lucrative.
Most of the time and most of the things she refers in speech is use to be dialogue from B-grade Hindi Movie. If not then definitely it sounds like dialogue from Hindi Movie. If a person will give second thought to what she says in her speech, he will came to know that what ever she says are normally not spoken in our real life. It is only found in B-grade Hindi movies. But there are so many Hindi movies normally we come across a dialogue, which says if you can change your loyalty from your old master to us then definitely you can change loyalty from us also. Why in Hindi movie a hero enters to the territory of other country? It is either to spy or to make destruction in that country. According to those stories what Sonia is doing in India? Is she spying or she is here in some other mission.
We need to be very conscious and alert. It is not only for me it is for every one. Mainly for the leaders of the congress party. Better have some belief on your self. In more than four and half decade congress has performed in most corrupted manner.
A Prime Minister who is foisted on the Nation by the accident of birth or marriage is likely to surround herself with coterie of self-serving advisors and ruin the country. Even some persons from Vatican may surround her after she becomes Prime Minister. We have the example of Sanjay Gandhi (de facto PM of mid seventies) and Rajeev Gandhi who squandered a massive sympathy mandate because of indecisiveness even in choosing and retaining his coterie. Thousands of patriotic Sikhs were killed as soon as he became Prime Minister. In place of taking concrete step to stop killing of innocent people he tried to justify it by saying when a big tree falls earth is bound to shake or words to that effect. He kneed before threat of fundamentalist Muslims and Hazee Mastan and reverted the historical decision of Supreme Court in Sahabano case. When he met American President first time he requested the President of USA to release Adil Khan who was going under punishment of 35 years for felony. In Bofors Scandal his role is not secret for the people.
Democracy needs leaders who come up from the ranks and not foisted on. Her foreigner tab does hurt my Indian Ego. A foreigner pitch forked to be our ruler not because of her work among the masses but only because she married an erstwhile Prince of Indian Politics, betrays our inability to develop a National leadership. Prime-Minister ship of India should not be accessible to anyone, even to Indians, by climbing a one-step political ladder.
Sonia Gandhi wants us to believe that because her grandfather-in-law, her mother-in-law and her husband were all prime ministers of India, she too has the divine right to that position.
And if someone is interested to know about Sonia's political interest, read columnist Tavleen Singh's recently published book entitled Lollipop Street she has given a very clear picture of her. In the years that she claims to have known Sonia Gandhi rather well, the author writes 'with Sonia all conversations were inclined to be about trivia. Other people, clothes, holidays, children. When it came to politics, she was completely contemptuous of anything to do with the subject... her only contribution to political comment usually was to talk about some leader whom she disliked. She knew nothing about the issues fundamental to politics in India; nor did she make any effort to learn them. Her social awareness did not extend beyond the drawing rooms of Delhi till Rajeev Gandhi was killed.' And here's Tavleen Singh's knockout punch: 'I knew that she had never shown any inclination to do anything that would bind her to India in any way.' And to think that this is the person whom the Congress is thrusting on the nation as their one and only leader.
Congress, the fearless political machine of irrepressible dreamers who spearheaded India’s freedom struggle against the world’s greatest colonial power, stands reduced to a motley cheering squad for the scion of a fledgling political dynasty.
The issue for a citizen like me is Sonia Gandhi’s citizenship, nationality and patriotism. It is the unanswered questions regarding her compliance with Indian citizenship laws in using an Italian passport on overseas trips and fleeing to Italy during the Indo-Pak War of 1971 and allegedly seeking shelter in the Italian Embassy following Indira Gandhi’s arrest and holding the share of Maruti by violating Foreign Exchange Regulation Act and getting her name on voting list without being citizen of this country and acquiring the property of AICC office and converting it to building of Rajeev Gandhi Foundation and criminally converting the property of Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts to her personal use. This all the questions she is suppose to reply before she wants to head the Indian Government.
Indian citizens must have seen how the people of Congress Party reacting when any member of Parliament starts speaking about Sonia Gandhi. Why? Is it only because some truth will come to the knowledge of Indian masses about their sole leader? I know very little about her. She has been living in some western countries. We know what is western culture. She is taking oath in public that she is real Indian (mere khoon ka katra kahta hai ki yeh mera vatan hai yeh mera vatan hai). She may not be knowing properly what does these words means. And if she knows the meaning then why does she choose son of an Italian Christian lady to marry her daughter. There is only one reply do not make personal attack. Why? Why we should not make personal attack? Some one whose background is not known. Who has been lying on record to the nation whether it is about her name or about her qualification? And if anyone wants to raise these questions all Congress MP’s create rowdies in the parliament. The election commissioner advises the party not to make personal attack. This country is not personal property of Nehru Gandhi Dynasty. If some people say so they are mentally bankrupt. They need help of psychiatrist. She is providing false information about her past. She doesn't want to discuss what she was doing in Cambridge.
Though people in India are not so literate but they do understand what is truth. Unfortunately the Congress party has not allowed to let the people know what is truth. The congress party has developed a system where even normal citizen has become corrupt. Citizens don't find anything wrong in paying bribe and getting his/her job done. The clerks and the government officers feel that taking bribe is their fundamental right. We need to get rid of this system.
It is also a issue that what her contribution has been in the 15 years as an Indian citizen or the 30 years that she has lived in India. The calculation with which Sonia has nurtured her ambitions and the political farce to which she has reduced the idealistic vision of Mahatma Gandhi to be blood curdling, especially when she so hypocritically invokes his name.
When Indira was chosen Congress President, Nehru was not happy. For all her faults, Indira Gandhi had earned her spurs and had on her own merit even been inducted into Shastri’s cabinet as a relatively junior minister. It was Indira who shamelessly transformed this party of doyens into a caucus of midgets, then reduced it to a family business, even thrusting first a semi-illiterate and unemployable son Sanjay and then a reluctant college drop-out Rajeev on to the national stage. The calculated evisceration of Indian democratic institutions was complete under Rajeev; Sonia is but the latest nail in its putrid coffin. It was the futile hope of liberal democrats that the country was at long last rid of the unending menace of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty following Rajiv’s death that makes Sonia’s resurgence so particularly galling.
And what has Sonia done to deserve the honour of becoming India’s prime minister? By her own accounts she has been a loving wife, a nurturing mother and a respectful daughter-in-law. Nehru deemed his daughter worthy enough to encourage within the party and even Indira Gandhi in her lifetime inflicted her sons on the country. But neither she, nor indeed Sonia’s husband, whose names she vainly invokes, dreamt of bringing her even into the party. Indeed, she did not acquire primary member of the Congress Party until August 1997, years after her husband’s death.
So she dredged out their memories, for she has none of her own, for the collective catharsis that was the AICC session. As her maudlin speech demonstrated, her vision of India does not even extend to Nehru; it begins with Indira Gandhi and is lifted in full Technicolor from B-grade Hindi movies: Main suhagin yahin bani. Maa yahin bani. Main vidhwa aapki aankhon ke saamne hui. Is desh ki sabse mahaan putri Indiraji ne apni saansa meri bahon mein tori. Mere khoon ki ek ek boond kahti hain ki yeh mera vatan hair, yeh mera vatan hai. (I became a bride here; I became a mother here; I became a widow before your very eyes. This country’s greatest daughter Indiraji took her last breath in my arms. Every single drop of my blood cries, this is my country. This is my country). The farcical, scripted and orchestrated orgy of sentimental and emotional political theatre Sonia has unleashed betrays the utter bankruptcy of ideas and ideals in a party, encircled by fawning and ingratiating hyenas panting for morsels of its carcass. This arrogant and worthless Italian Indian dared to warn critics, "Those who want to be with me must do so completely with their minds and hearts; and, those who have even smallest of doubts, must travel separately on their own." Why she should not sound so? After all, his father was working for the Mussolini.
In summary she has no experience or qualifications to aspire for the highest job of a great country of which I am a proud citizen. Only doormats and cronies see any qualities in this mediocre woman who by chance married Rajeev Gandhi.
I have no doubt that the enlightened Indian electorate will give a resounding to Sonia Gandhi and her cronies inspired dynastic politics if they came to know true fact about them.
Suppose I go to some other country and due to slackly codified rule of that country I get a chance to get elected to political post. For that law will demand me to declare that I am loyal to that country. I am sure just for the sake of occupying high political post I may take oath and say that I am loyal to that country. But real question will be, Can it change my heart? I think not because my heart will only sing 'Saare Jahan se Acchha Hindustan Hamara.'
Changing loyalty to some other nation is just like changing mother. And we all know that no one can change his mother though some one may falsely claim so. I want to know from Sonia - Is she trying to deceit us by showing herself patriotic Indian? I think as many as dialogue I came across in Hindi movies to express patriotism, all most all has been read by Sonia Gandhi from different stages.
And what is guarantee as she changed her loyalty from Italy to India, she will not change her loyalty from India to some other country viz. Vatican. After all her allegiance to Vatican is already established her being a catholic Christian.
What is said in Sanskrit, “Janani janma Bhumischa swargadapi gariyase” That means mother and motherland is higher than heaven. And it is part of our culture. Does Sonia did not love her motherland more than heaven. If she say, No, she does not love her motherland more than heaven then at least we the people of India are not going to allow her to become Prime Minister of India, and If the is yes then she should explain what she is doing in India? Is she serving interest of Italy and Vatican? But Sonia claims to have changed her loyalty from Italian to Indian. If today she has changed her loyalty from Italy to India tomorrow she may change her loyalty to America if she is allowed to hold post of American President because it is more lucrative.
Most of the time and most of the things she refers in speech is use to be dialogue from B-grade Hindi Movie. If not then definitely it sounds like dialogue from Hindi Movie. If a person will give second thought to what she says in her speech, he will came to know that what ever she says are normally not spoken in our real life. It is only found in B-grade Hindi movies. But there are so many Hindi movies normally we come across a dialogue, which says if you can change your loyalty from your old master to us then definitely you can change loyalty from us also. Why in Hindi movie a hero enters to the territory of other country? It is either to spy or to make destruction in that country. According to those stories what Sonia is doing in India? Is she spying or she is here in some other mission.
We need to be very conscious and alert. It is not only for me it is for every one. Mainly for the leaders of the congress party. Better have some belief on your self. In more than four and half decade congress has performed in most corrupted manner.
A Prime Minister who is foisted on the Nation by the accident of birth or marriage is likely to surround herself with coterie of self-serving advisors and ruin the country. Even some persons from Vatican may surround her after she becomes Prime Minister. We have the example of Sanjay Gandhi (de facto PM of mid seventies) and Rajeev Gandhi who squandered a massive sympathy mandate because of indecisiveness even in choosing and retaining his coterie. Thousands of patriotic Sikhs were killed as soon as he became Prime Minister. In place of taking concrete step to stop killing of innocent people he tried to justify it by saying when a big tree falls earth is bound to shake or words to that effect. He kneed before threat of fundamentalist Muslims and Hazee Mastan and reverted the historical decision of Supreme Court in Sahabano case. When he met American President first time he requested the President of USA to release Adil Khan who was going under punishment of 35 years for felony. In Bofors Scandal his role is not secret for the people.
Democracy needs leaders who come up from the ranks and not foisted on. Her foreigner tab does hurt my Indian Ego. A foreigner pitch forked to be our ruler not because of her work among the masses but only because she married an erstwhile Prince of Indian Politics, betrays our inability to develop a National leadership. Prime-Minister ship of India should not be accessible to anyone, even to Indians, by climbing a one-step political ladder.
Sonia Gandhi wants us to believe that because her grandfather-in-law, her mother-in-law and her husband were all prime ministers of India, she too has the divine right to that position.
And if someone is interested to know about Sonia's political interest, read columnist Tavleen Singh's recently published book entitled Lollipop Street she has given a very clear picture of her. In the years that she claims to have known Sonia Gandhi rather well, the author writes 'with Sonia all conversations were inclined to be about trivia. Other people, clothes, holidays, children. When it came to politics, she was completely contemptuous of anything to do with the subject... her only contribution to political comment usually was to talk about some leader whom she disliked. She knew nothing about the issues fundamental to politics in India; nor did she make any effort to learn them. Her social awareness did not extend beyond the drawing rooms of Delhi till Rajeev Gandhi was killed.' And here's Tavleen Singh's knockout punch: 'I knew that she had never shown any inclination to do anything that would bind her to India in any way.' And to think that this is the person whom the Congress is thrusting on the nation as their one and only leader.
Congress, the fearless political machine of irrepressible dreamers who spearheaded India’s freedom struggle against the world’s greatest colonial power, stands reduced to a motley cheering squad for the scion of a fledgling political dynasty.
The issue for a citizen like me is Sonia Gandhi’s citizenship, nationality and patriotism. It is the unanswered questions regarding her compliance with Indian citizenship laws in using an Italian passport on overseas trips and fleeing to Italy during the Indo-Pak War of 1971 and allegedly seeking shelter in the Italian Embassy following Indira Gandhi’s arrest and holding the share of Maruti by violating Foreign Exchange Regulation Act and getting her name on voting list without being citizen of this country and acquiring the property of AICC office and converting it to building of Rajeev Gandhi Foundation and criminally converting the property of Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts to her personal use. This all the questions she is suppose to reply before she wants to head the Indian Government.
Indian citizens must have seen how the people of Congress Party reacting when any member of Parliament starts speaking about Sonia Gandhi. Why? Is it only because some truth will come to the knowledge of Indian masses about their sole leader? I know very little about her. She has been living in some western countries. We know what is western culture. She is taking oath in public that she is real Indian (mere khoon ka katra kahta hai ki yeh mera vatan hai yeh mera vatan hai). She may not be knowing properly what does these words means. And if she knows the meaning then why does she choose son of an Italian Christian lady to marry her daughter. There is only one reply do not make personal attack. Why? Why we should not make personal attack? Some one whose background is not known. Who has been lying on record to the nation whether it is about her name or about her qualification? And if anyone wants to raise these questions all Congress MP’s create rowdies in the parliament. The election commissioner advises the party not to make personal attack. This country is not personal property of Nehru Gandhi Dynasty. If some people say so they are mentally bankrupt. They need help of psychiatrist. She is providing false information about her past. She doesn't want to discuss what she was doing in Cambridge.
Though people in India are not so literate but they do understand what is truth. Unfortunately the Congress party has not allowed to let the people know what is truth. The congress party has developed a system where even normal citizen has become corrupt. Citizens don't find anything wrong in paying bribe and getting his/her job done. The clerks and the government officers feel that taking bribe is their fundamental right. We need to get rid of this system.
It is also a issue that what her contribution has been in the 15 years as an Indian citizen or the 30 years that she has lived in India. The calculation with which Sonia has nurtured her ambitions and the political farce to which she has reduced the idealistic vision of Mahatma Gandhi to be blood curdling, especially when she so hypocritically invokes his name.
When Indira was chosen Congress President, Nehru was not happy. For all her faults, Indira Gandhi had earned her spurs and had on her own merit even been inducted into Shastri’s cabinet as a relatively junior minister. It was Indira who shamelessly transformed this party of doyens into a caucus of midgets, then reduced it to a family business, even thrusting first a semi-illiterate and unemployable son Sanjay and then a reluctant college drop-out Rajeev on to the national stage. The calculated evisceration of Indian democratic institutions was complete under Rajeev; Sonia is but the latest nail in its putrid coffin. It was the futile hope of liberal democrats that the country was at long last rid of the unending menace of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty following Rajiv’s death that makes Sonia’s resurgence so particularly galling.
And what has Sonia done to deserve the honour of becoming India’s prime minister? By her own accounts she has been a loving wife, a nurturing mother and a respectful daughter-in-law. Nehru deemed his daughter worthy enough to encourage within the party and even Indira Gandhi in her lifetime inflicted her sons on the country. But neither she, nor indeed Sonia’s husband, whose names she vainly invokes, dreamt of bringing her even into the party. Indeed, she did not acquire primary member of the Congress Party until August 1997, years after her husband’s death.
So she dredged out their memories, for she has none of her own, for the collective catharsis that was the AICC session. As her maudlin speech demonstrated, her vision of India does not even extend to Nehru; it begins with Indira Gandhi and is lifted in full Technicolor from B-grade Hindi movies: Main suhagin yahin bani. Maa yahin bani. Main vidhwa aapki aankhon ke saamne hui. Is desh ki sabse mahaan putri Indiraji ne apni saansa meri bahon mein tori. Mere khoon ki ek ek boond kahti hain ki yeh mera vatan hair, yeh mera vatan hai. (I became a bride here; I became a mother here; I became a widow before your very eyes. This country’s greatest daughter Indiraji took her last breath in my arms. Every single drop of my blood cries, this is my country. This is my country). The farcical, scripted and orchestrated orgy of sentimental and emotional political theatre Sonia has unleashed betrays the utter bankruptcy of ideas and ideals in a party, encircled by fawning and ingratiating hyenas panting for morsels of its carcass. This arrogant and worthless Italian Indian dared to warn critics, "Those who want to be with me must do so completely with their minds and hearts; and, those who have even smallest of doubts, must travel separately on their own." Why she should not sound so? After all, his father was working for the Mussolini.
In summary she has no experience or qualifications to aspire for the highest job of a great country of which I am a proud citizen. Only doormats and cronies see any qualities in this mediocre woman who by chance married Rajeev Gandhi.
I have no doubt that the enlightened Indian electorate will give a resounding to Sonia Gandhi and her cronies inspired dynastic politics if they came to know true fact about them.
To see all articles of writer visit www.bharatsangh.com
Did Sonia Gandhi step down from the race to be Prime Minister because her "inner voice" suddenly told her to do so? Why did this "voice" speak, despite her being elected Congress Parliamentary Party leader and after obtaining letters of support from all allied parties? 1
Apparently, it was not the "inner voice" but certain queries that could have been put to her by the President of India, custodian of the Constitution, which caused her to withdraw her name. 1
Contrary to attempts by Congressmen and Communists to portray her eleventh-hour retreat as a "personal decision" spurred by her children, it could be the clarifications apparently sought by President A P J Abdul Kalam that resulted in the rethink. The President, it is reliably learnt, did not out rightly reject her candidature for the post of the Prime Minister. However, he is believed to have sought certain clarifications on a few points regarding the precise status of her Indian citizenship. 1
That probably explains why Ms Gandhi's decision to opt out came only after she emerged from the Rashtrapati Bhawan after meeting the President on Tuesday at 12.30 pm. 1
That could also explain why she did not allow the entourage of allied parties to accompany her for the meeting, contrary to custom. 1
The President may have conveyed to her that in view of the legal and constitutional queries raised, he would need some more time to examine the matter. Accordingly, there could be no swearing-in on Wednesday, May 19 1
If we want to know the legal question involved in appointment of Sonia Gandhi as Prime Minister then we must refer following provision of the citizenship Act 1955.
1. The term "adherence" had to be clarified, 1
2. Section 5: The crux of this provision of "reciprocity" is that a person of foreign origin, who has acquired the citizenship of India through registration by virtue of marrying an Indian national, cannot enjoy more rights (like becoming Prime Minister), if the same opportunity is not available to an Indian-born citizen in that particular country. 1
3. Another petition submitted to the President on Tuesday by Sushma Swaraj pointed out ...to the fact that a Defence or Indian Foreign Service official cannot even marry a foreign national without permission, or must quit his post. How could a person of foreign origin be handed over the nuclear button in such circumstances, Ms Swaraj's petition demanded to know. 1
Fact of the matter is she has played a most treacherous political game and did not sacrifice anything as said and perceived by many. She is most cunning and shrewd and was well aware of her weaknesses and limits to grasp this highest most responsible job of PM. she was fully of the knowledge that if she had gone for this job she would fall-flat in a very short time. She knew that she will not be able to meet the expectations of the people to whom she had made false promises. She knows that she does not qualify for this post. She had fears and she has inferiority complex because she lacks basic qualification, experience and the required standard of integration. She still feels herself half-Indian. She is still not coloured with Indian culture and traditions and deep from her heart she is still a pariah, which makes her uncertain. Assassinations of her mother-in-law and husband are haunting her and is afraid to get involved directly in National affairs. Moreover she did the best bargain to stay behind the scenes and dictate the weakest PM (chosen by her and he feels highly grateful and obligated to listen and do all that what she wants). Here she has long plans to learn political tricks and ability to rule. If the BJP and NDA continue with this querulous attitude Sonia Gandhi will come-up with surprise and will take-over PM job. She is just waiting for that day when NDA will breakaway and BJP will be left alone. Practically no opposition will be her best bet and chance. Through this bargain she has won much more than she could have achieved as PM. Moreover that was the best what she thought for her and her family. It is no sacrifice and those who believe so are the foolest of the fools. Western media and politicians are enjoying with the plight of affairs India is going through and for them it is a sort of mockery, which is a cause of irritation to Indian populace especially the Hindus. Now the western media has given her the status of second most powerful lady on earth. There is comparison of Sonia Gandhi with Condelezzas Rice. Whereas the matter of the fact is that Sonia Gandhi does not qualify to be a Maid in Condelezzas house. Condelezze Rice is of entirely different niveau and is has best qualification and ability to command and control and Sonia a mere nitwit. She is enjoying respect from the poor downtrodden and innocent people of this country and they are plenty in few states in India. These people are most susceptible and easy to manipulate through colourful promises. She has learnt one thing for sure that is art of misusing and exploiting the innocent and their hospitality. She is too fast in establishing her position and she has the right place and right people. These people are interested in money and comfort and are ready to do anything and everything for that even at the cost of Nations honour, dignity and pride. These are insidious parasites of our society and are ready to put the Nation back to colonialism so long they are appointed as governors.
Sonia Gandhi's appointment as prime minister certainly that would have led to a massive agitation, more intense than the Mandal stir.
When Sonia Gandhi along with Dr Singh met the President for the first time, she had been elected leader of the Congress Parliamentary Party and had received the letters of support from her allies. The President was yet to receive letters supporting Dr Singh. Interestingly, the invitation to Dr Singh was framed in Rashtrapati Bhawan on the basis of media reports. Evidently, opinions differed on the candidature of Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh. The President reportedly went through the certified copy of a legal view in relation to Sonia Gandhi, brought by Subramaniam Swamy. Kalam also received Sushma Swaraj, Uma Bharati and Govindacharya.
Events show that Dr Singh was elected leader of the CPP at 7 pm and given the Presidential invitation to form the Government at 8.30 pm.
The other reason may be the intelligence reports that Sonia Gandhi received from national and foreign agencies suggesting polarisation of political forces in the country leading to a dreadful scenario. Maybe, she also came to know about the issue of her foreign origin having been examined by Rashtrapati Bhawan. The opinion tendered by legal luminary Fali Nariman, a Parsi considered close to the Gandhi family, on the very issue could also have influenced Sonia's views.
The Swaraj factor: Did Sonia Gandhi decide to opt out due to Sushma Swaraj's threat to launch agitation to protest a person of foreign origin becoming PM? Probably. She as well as Govindacharya were among the factors. Sushma has known Sonia more closely than others ever since she contested against her in Bellary. Sushma had set up her office in Bellary, a Congress bastion, only 20 days before actual polling and cornered some 3,80,000 votes on the foreign origin plank.
For someone who seemed all set to step into 7, Race Course Road right after the announcement of the election results and admitted as much when she said that “normally the leader of the largest party becomes prime minister,” Sonia’s last minute bowing out is indeed mysterious.
Earlier, Dr. Swamy had filed a case against Sonia, accusing her and her family in Italy of smuggling precious art pieces out of India. The petition was dismissed by the Delhi high court but Swamy still believed he had a case. The moment it became clear to him that Sonia was going to stake her claim to forming the government, Swamy sought an appointment with Kalam and placed his protest on record.
Swamy did not disclose the contents of the documents he took to Kalam but after his meeting with the president earlier this week, he told a television channel that the documents he had submitted to him contained hard evidence which could not be ignored by any objective viewer and that they were highly damaging to Sonia’s prospects as prime minister.
Swamy’s meeting with the president went largely uncovered by the media. The story doing the rounds is that Sonia was shown the documents by Kalam when she met him and that this proved to be the proverbial last straw on the camel’s back.
Sonia was already under attack for perpetuating dynastic rule and even her admirers agree that her only claim to fame, at least until she led her party to victory in this election, was her second name. Besides, the extremist Hindu social and political outfits have carried out an incessant campaign against Sonia for her religion and have openly said that they would not allow a Christian to rule a country where over eighty per cent of the population is Hindu.
The BJP’s threat to boycott her swearing-in as prime minister seems to have had its own psychological impact on Sonia who claims to have joined politics, not for power, but in order to be able to serve the country.
Another reason for Sonia's not getting PM post may be the reaction of Mumbai Stock brokers before whose eyes Rs 2,50,000 Crore melted in four days. As the government formation delayed beyond expectation and the much-awaited common minimum programme of the Congress coalition failed to make an appearance, stock markets heated up. Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) started selling stock in a phased manner.
The Left parties aggravated the situation. Sitaram Yechury and Somnath Chatterjee of the CPI(M), and A.B. Bardhan of the CPI questioned the NDA's disinvestments decisions. Confusion prevailed as the Congress refused to be drawn into the slanging match. "There was a complete lack of clarity on policy, leaders and direction," said Andrew Holland, Executive Vice-president of DSP Merrill Lynch.
The result was disastrous. On Monday, May 17, the BSE his the bottom circuit of 10 percent, twice leading to a halt in trading by three hours. In just under one hour, 15 percent of the index was swept aside. It set a chain reaction; the rupee lost against the dollar and gold and silver were quoted low.
The madness at the bourses had its impact. The Left made amends while 'the original reformer' Manmohan Singh of the Congress pledged to take reforms forward. Even the stoic finance minister Jaswant Singh came out to appeal against "irresponsible" statements. The market slide was arrested, but the sentiment remained depressive. On May 18, heavy purchasing was restored.
Then came the Congress rethinking. A man with commendable reform credentials, Manmohan, was widely touted as the next Prime Minister. The Sensex pulled back 500 points and nearly Rs 76000 Crore in market capitalisation. When Manmohan went to meet President Abdul Kalam, the market was riding high with a gain of 129 points and crossed 5000 points.
Whether it was stock market or normal citizens, it became clear that they would not allow Sonia to be the Prime Minister.
Apparently, it was not the "inner voice" but certain queries that could have been put to her by the President of India, custodian of the Constitution, which caused her to withdraw her name. 1
Contrary to attempts by Congressmen and Communists to portray her eleventh-hour retreat as a "personal decision" spurred by her children, it could be the clarifications apparently sought by President A P J Abdul Kalam that resulted in the rethink. The President, it is reliably learnt, did not out rightly reject her candidature for the post of the Prime Minister. However, he is believed to have sought certain clarifications on a few points regarding the precise status of her Indian citizenship. 1
That probably explains why Ms Gandhi's decision to opt out came only after she emerged from the Rashtrapati Bhawan after meeting the President on Tuesday at 12.30 pm. 1
That could also explain why she did not allow the entourage of allied parties to accompany her for the meeting, contrary to custom. 1
The President may have conveyed to her that in view of the legal and constitutional queries raised, he would need some more time to examine the matter. Accordingly, there could be no swearing-in on Wednesday, May 19 1
If we want to know the legal question involved in appointment of Sonia Gandhi as Prime Minister then we must refer following provision of the citizenship Act 1955.
1. The term "adherence" had to be clarified, 1
2. Section 5: The crux of this provision of "reciprocity" is that a person of foreign origin, who has acquired the citizenship of India through registration by virtue of marrying an Indian national, cannot enjoy more rights (like becoming Prime Minister), if the same opportunity is not available to an Indian-born citizen in that particular country. 1
3. Another petition submitted to the President on Tuesday by Sushma Swaraj pointed out ...to the fact that a Defence or Indian Foreign Service official cannot even marry a foreign national without permission, or must quit his post. How could a person of foreign origin be handed over the nuclear button in such circumstances, Ms Swaraj's petition demanded to know. 1
Fact of the matter is she has played a most treacherous political game and did not sacrifice anything as said and perceived by many. She is most cunning and shrewd and was well aware of her weaknesses and limits to grasp this highest most responsible job of PM. she was fully of the knowledge that if she had gone for this job she would fall-flat in a very short time. She knew that she will not be able to meet the expectations of the people to whom she had made false promises. She knows that she does not qualify for this post. She had fears and she has inferiority complex because she lacks basic qualification, experience and the required standard of integration. She still feels herself half-Indian. She is still not coloured with Indian culture and traditions and deep from her heart she is still a pariah, which makes her uncertain. Assassinations of her mother-in-law and husband are haunting her and is afraid to get involved directly in National affairs. Moreover she did the best bargain to stay behind the scenes and dictate the weakest PM (chosen by her and he feels highly grateful and obligated to listen and do all that what she wants). Here she has long plans to learn political tricks and ability to rule. If the BJP and NDA continue with this querulous attitude Sonia Gandhi will come-up with surprise and will take-over PM job. She is just waiting for that day when NDA will breakaway and BJP will be left alone. Practically no opposition will be her best bet and chance. Through this bargain she has won much more than she could have achieved as PM. Moreover that was the best what she thought for her and her family. It is no sacrifice and those who believe so are the foolest of the fools. Western media and politicians are enjoying with the plight of affairs India is going through and for them it is a sort of mockery, which is a cause of irritation to Indian populace especially the Hindus. Now the western media has given her the status of second most powerful lady on earth. There is comparison of Sonia Gandhi with Condelezzas Rice. Whereas the matter of the fact is that Sonia Gandhi does not qualify to be a Maid in Condelezzas house. Condelezze Rice is of entirely different niveau and is has best qualification and ability to command and control and Sonia a mere nitwit. She is enjoying respect from the poor downtrodden and innocent people of this country and they are plenty in few states in India. These people are most susceptible and easy to manipulate through colourful promises. She has learnt one thing for sure that is art of misusing and exploiting the innocent and their hospitality. She is too fast in establishing her position and she has the right place and right people. These people are interested in money and comfort and are ready to do anything and everything for that even at the cost of Nations honour, dignity and pride. These are insidious parasites of our society and are ready to put the Nation back to colonialism so long they are appointed as governors.
Sonia Gandhi's appointment as prime minister certainly that would have led to a massive agitation, more intense than the Mandal stir.
When Sonia Gandhi along with Dr Singh met the President for the first time, she had been elected leader of the Congress Parliamentary Party and had received the letters of support from her allies. The President was yet to receive letters supporting Dr Singh. Interestingly, the invitation to Dr Singh was framed in Rashtrapati Bhawan on the basis of media reports. Evidently, opinions differed on the candidature of Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh. The President reportedly went through the certified copy of a legal view in relation to Sonia Gandhi, brought by Subramaniam Swamy. Kalam also received Sushma Swaraj, Uma Bharati and Govindacharya.
Events show that Dr Singh was elected leader of the CPP at 7 pm and given the Presidential invitation to form the Government at 8.30 pm.
The other reason may be the intelligence reports that Sonia Gandhi received from national and foreign agencies suggesting polarisation of political forces in the country leading to a dreadful scenario. Maybe, she also came to know about the issue of her foreign origin having been examined by Rashtrapati Bhawan. The opinion tendered by legal luminary Fali Nariman, a Parsi considered close to the Gandhi family, on the very issue could also have influenced Sonia's views.
The Swaraj factor: Did Sonia Gandhi decide to opt out due to Sushma Swaraj's threat to launch agitation to protest a person of foreign origin becoming PM? Probably. She as well as Govindacharya were among the factors. Sushma has known Sonia more closely than others ever since she contested against her in Bellary. Sushma had set up her office in Bellary, a Congress bastion, only 20 days before actual polling and cornered some 3,80,000 votes on the foreign origin plank.
For someone who seemed all set to step into 7, Race Course Road right after the announcement of the election results and admitted as much when she said that “normally the leader of the largest party becomes prime minister,” Sonia’s last minute bowing out is indeed mysterious.
Earlier, Dr. Swamy had filed a case against Sonia, accusing her and her family in Italy of smuggling precious art pieces out of India. The petition was dismissed by the Delhi high court but Swamy still believed he had a case. The moment it became clear to him that Sonia was going to stake her claim to forming the government, Swamy sought an appointment with Kalam and placed his protest on record.
Swamy did not disclose the contents of the documents he took to Kalam but after his meeting with the president earlier this week, he told a television channel that the documents he had submitted to him contained hard evidence which could not be ignored by any objective viewer and that they were highly damaging to Sonia’s prospects as prime minister.
Swamy’s meeting with the president went largely uncovered by the media. The story doing the rounds is that Sonia was shown the documents by Kalam when she met him and that this proved to be the proverbial last straw on the camel’s back.
Sonia was already under attack for perpetuating dynastic rule and even her admirers agree that her only claim to fame, at least until she led her party to victory in this election, was her second name. Besides, the extremist Hindu social and political outfits have carried out an incessant campaign against Sonia for her religion and have openly said that they would not allow a Christian to rule a country where over eighty per cent of the population is Hindu.
The BJP’s threat to boycott her swearing-in as prime minister seems to have had its own psychological impact on Sonia who claims to have joined politics, not for power, but in order to be able to serve the country.
Another reason for Sonia's not getting PM post may be the reaction of Mumbai Stock brokers before whose eyes Rs 2,50,000 Crore melted in four days. As the government formation delayed beyond expectation and the much-awaited common minimum programme of the Congress coalition failed to make an appearance, stock markets heated up. Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) started selling stock in a phased manner.
The Left parties aggravated the situation. Sitaram Yechury and Somnath Chatterjee of the CPI(M), and A.B. Bardhan of the CPI questioned the NDA's disinvestments decisions. Confusion prevailed as the Congress refused to be drawn into the slanging match. "There was a complete lack of clarity on policy, leaders and direction," said Andrew Holland, Executive Vice-president of DSP Merrill Lynch.
The result was disastrous. On Monday, May 17, the BSE his the bottom circuit of 10 percent, twice leading to a halt in trading by three hours. In just under one hour, 15 percent of the index was swept aside. It set a chain reaction; the rupee lost against the dollar and gold and silver were quoted low.
The madness at the bourses had its impact. The Left made amends while 'the original reformer' Manmohan Singh of the Congress pledged to take reforms forward. Even the stoic finance minister Jaswant Singh came out to appeal against "irresponsible" statements. The market slide was arrested, but the sentiment remained depressive. On May 18, heavy purchasing was restored.
Then came the Congress rethinking. A man with commendable reform credentials, Manmohan, was widely touted as the next Prime Minister. The Sensex pulled back 500 points and nearly Rs 76000 Crore in market capitalisation. When Manmohan went to meet President Abdul Kalam, the market was riding high with a gain of 129 points and crossed 5000 points.
Whether it was stock market or normal citizens, it became clear that they would not allow Sonia to be the Prime Minister.
To see all articles of writer visit www.bharatsangh.com
LARGER-THAN-LIFE images of a coiffure, smiling Benny Hinn, the California-based millionaire televangelist, gaze over traffic snarls and congested city intersections in Bangalore. The hoardings, which made their appearance a month ago, were part of a publicity campaign for a three-day Festival of Blessings addressed by Benny Hinn in Jakkur, Bangalore, between January 21 and 23. The real purpose of the festival was attracting people to Christianity.
Now Catholic Sonia Gandhi is head of Congress party. Every Congress leader is doing his best to fulfil his aspiration. She don't need to express her desire explicitly. Show was attended by an estimated three to four lakh persons, including Karnataka Chief Minister N. Dharam Singh and Several of his Cabinet colleagues, Union Ministers M. V. Rajashekharan and Oscar Fernandes.
The centrepiece of a Benny Hinn biggest draw, were his working of miracles that have supposedly cured thousands of people from life-threatening illnesses. Indeed, for scientists, rationalists and secular groups, the opposition to the Benny Hinn show is based on his false promises of healing.
Benny Hinn certainly have a hidden conversion agenda. The high-cost publicity blitz launched by the Benny Hinn Ministries, and the manner in which it flaunted a guest list that read like a who's who of political India - N. Dharam Singh, Governor T. N. Chaturvedi, several Chief Ministers from other States and Union Ministers, including Human Resource Development Minister Arjun Singh, to mention a few - was picked up by communal organisations to allege government patronage to Christian organisations that are engaged in covert conversion.
Sections of the legal fraternity and leaders of the Kannada movement, such as M. Chidananda Murthy, have called for the cancellation of the event by the government and the arrest of Benny Hinn for attempted conversion.
Even the Communist Party of India demanded that Hinn's programme be cancelled on the grounds that he would dupe people with promises of miracle healing.
Direct attack was made on Hindu practices by pamphlet written by a member of the Benny Hinn Ministries by equating idolatry with harlotry. Later on when people opposed then it was taken back.
And if any one want to know kind of preparation was made for his programme than he should refer to the affidavit filed in the High Court, by S. Mariswamy, City Police Commissioner, who had said that 10,000 policemen would be deployed on those days. This figure included two companies of the Rapid Action Force, 40 platoons of the Karnataka State Reserve Police, 1,200 officers from outside Bangalore city limits, 40 platoons of the City Armed Reserve Police and the entire Police Force of Bangalore City. There will also be 2,000 officers and men of the traffic police to manage traffic exclusively for the event.
The entourage that has flown into the city in Benny Hinn's private multi-million dollar jet was staying at the posh Leela Hotel. The venue was the State government's Jakkur Airfield Training Ground. Seventy-two screens (24 ft by 12 ft) and two mega screens twice that size had been erected. Three lakh chairs had been arranged for the audience, and areas prepared for floor seating.
Let us also discuss after who is this Benny Hinn. Benny Hinn is a controversial figure in the West, and his critics come from within the categories of believers and rationalists. There are many who have differences with him over doctrinal interpretations - his claims of curing the sick, for example. The Trinity Foundation, a Christian watchdog group that monitors the working of televangelist ministries, is one of the many Christian organisations highly sceptical of his work and claims.
Born in Jeruselum and raised in Canada, Hinn became a preacher early in life. He practises what is called the Prosperity Gospel or the Word of Faith, which believes that faith is what propels an individual to health, wealth and other personal success. To become a follower the individual must "sow a seed of faith", or make a cash donation to the organisation. Although the Benny Hinn Ministries is not legally obliged to make public its finances, the revenues are believed to be in the region of $100 million a year.
Two notable media exposes of the Benny Hinn establishment, the first by NBC's Dateline programme in December 2002, and the other by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in November 2004, have shown Benny Hinn's claims of curing the sick and terminally ill to be false. The programmes also investigated the finances of the organisations and provided revealing information on his personal financial profligacy.
Even when all these details about Benny Hinn was known to our authorities they eagerly arranged for his show in Bangalore.
In Bangalore, an organiser from the Festival of Blessings falsely claimed that a panel of eight reputed city doctors would verify each case of an individual being cured of an illness. But as it was bound to happen this promise was soon retracted. There would be no medical verification, he said. Instead, the individual would be asked to sign an affidavit stating that he or she was free of an illness, after being miraculously healed by God through the intercession of Benny Hinn! 6
"Any religious preacher who makes use of hunger, illiteracy, the lack of medical facilities, or ignorance, as a means to influence people, is violating the fundamental principles inherent in the freedom of religion and conversion," Sanal Edamaruku of Rationalists International told Frontline. "Benny Hinn makes fake claims. People have been known to be taken from hospitals to his healing services. They have later died. Some people may survive after his `cure' for some time, but they too die later. With techniques of mass hypnosis, psychosomatic illnesses can certainly be cured by these people, but more effectively by psychiatrists". 6
The difference between a village quack and Hinn, says Edamaruku, is the latter's use of a "modern communication system and money". According to him, in a country like India, where medical and scientific illiteracy is rampant, costs of medical care for serious illnesses like cancer are high, and medical insurance coverage is inadequate, the "crime" of promising cures is doubly compounded. 6
In the absence, however, of genuine opposition to the Festival of Blessings, that targets unreason and blind faith, the promise of miracle cures had remained the big draw of the event. 6
Now Catholic Sonia Gandhi is head of Congress party. Every Congress leader is doing his best to fulfil his aspiration. She don't need to express her desire explicitly. Show was attended by an estimated three to four lakh persons, including Karnataka Chief Minister N. Dharam Singh and Several of his Cabinet colleagues, Union Ministers M. V. Rajashekharan and Oscar Fernandes.
The centrepiece of a Benny Hinn biggest draw, were his working of miracles that have supposedly cured thousands of people from life-threatening illnesses. Indeed, for scientists, rationalists and secular groups, the opposition to the Benny Hinn show is based on his false promises of healing.
Benny Hinn certainly have a hidden conversion agenda. The high-cost publicity blitz launched by the Benny Hinn Ministries, and the manner in which it flaunted a guest list that read like a who's who of political India - N. Dharam Singh, Governor T. N. Chaturvedi, several Chief Ministers from other States and Union Ministers, including Human Resource Development Minister Arjun Singh, to mention a few - was picked up by communal organisations to allege government patronage to Christian organisations that are engaged in covert conversion.
Sections of the legal fraternity and leaders of the Kannada movement, such as M. Chidananda Murthy, have called for the cancellation of the event by the government and the arrest of Benny Hinn for attempted conversion.
Even the Communist Party of India demanded that Hinn's programme be cancelled on the grounds that he would dupe people with promises of miracle healing.
Direct attack was made on Hindu practices by pamphlet written by a member of the Benny Hinn Ministries by equating idolatry with harlotry. Later on when people opposed then it was taken back.
And if any one want to know kind of preparation was made for his programme than he should refer to the affidavit filed in the High Court, by S. Mariswamy, City Police Commissioner, who had said that 10,000 policemen would be deployed on those days. This figure included two companies of the Rapid Action Force, 40 platoons of the Karnataka State Reserve Police, 1,200 officers from outside Bangalore city limits, 40 platoons of the City Armed Reserve Police and the entire Police Force of Bangalore City. There will also be 2,000 officers and men of the traffic police to manage traffic exclusively for the event.
The entourage that has flown into the city in Benny Hinn's private multi-million dollar jet was staying at the posh Leela Hotel. The venue was the State government's Jakkur Airfield Training Ground. Seventy-two screens (24 ft by 12 ft) and two mega screens twice that size had been erected. Three lakh chairs had been arranged for the audience, and areas prepared for floor seating.
Let us also discuss after who is this Benny Hinn. Benny Hinn is a controversial figure in the West, and his critics come from within the categories of believers and rationalists. There are many who have differences with him over doctrinal interpretations - his claims of curing the sick, for example. The Trinity Foundation, a Christian watchdog group that monitors the working of televangelist ministries, is one of the many Christian organisations highly sceptical of his work and claims.
Born in Jeruselum and raised in Canada, Hinn became a preacher early in life. He practises what is called the Prosperity Gospel or the Word of Faith, which believes that faith is what propels an individual to health, wealth and other personal success. To become a follower the individual must "sow a seed of faith", or make a cash donation to the organisation. Although the Benny Hinn Ministries is not legally obliged to make public its finances, the revenues are believed to be in the region of $100 million a year.
Two notable media exposes of the Benny Hinn establishment, the first by NBC's Dateline programme in December 2002, and the other by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in November 2004, have shown Benny Hinn's claims of curing the sick and terminally ill to be false. The programmes also investigated the finances of the organisations and provided revealing information on his personal financial profligacy.
Even when all these details about Benny Hinn was known to our authorities they eagerly arranged for his show in Bangalore.
In Bangalore, an organiser from the Festival of Blessings falsely claimed that a panel of eight reputed city doctors would verify each case of an individual being cured of an illness. But as it was bound to happen this promise was soon retracted. There would be no medical verification, he said. Instead, the individual would be asked to sign an affidavit stating that he or she was free of an illness, after being miraculously healed by God through the intercession of Benny Hinn! 6
"Any religious preacher who makes use of hunger, illiteracy, the lack of medical facilities, or ignorance, as a means to influence people, is violating the fundamental principles inherent in the freedom of religion and conversion," Sanal Edamaruku of Rationalists International told Frontline. "Benny Hinn makes fake claims. People have been known to be taken from hospitals to his healing services. They have later died. Some people may survive after his `cure' for some time, but they too die later. With techniques of mass hypnosis, psychosomatic illnesses can certainly be cured by these people, but more effectively by psychiatrists". 6
The difference between a village quack and Hinn, says Edamaruku, is the latter's use of a "modern communication system and money". According to him, in a country like India, where medical and scientific illiteracy is rampant, costs of medical care for serious illnesses like cancer are high, and medical insurance coverage is inadequate, the "crime" of promising cures is doubly compounded. 6
In the absence, however, of genuine opposition to the Festival of Blessings, that targets unreason and blind faith, the promise of miracle cures had remained the big draw of the event. 6
To see all articles of writer visit www.bharatsangh.com
In 1999, Sonia Gandhi visited the famed Hindu shrine at Tirupati amid a blaze of publicity. There is nothing wrong with any politician choosing to do so. But many people thought it offensive that she, a practicing Catholic, would enter a place that is, strictly speaking, forbidden to non-Hindus. 5
Worse, when one of the priests chose to ask her about this -- as he was legally entitled to do -- he was brushed aside by Rajasekhara Reddy, the prospective Congress chief minister of Andhra Pradesh in the election that was coming up. (As everybody in Andhra Pradesh knows, Reddy too is a Christian despite the name.) 5
This led to a flurry of debate, not least on the Internet. Many people were offended by Reddy's reputed assertion that nobody could question her credentials, as Sonia Gandhi was a member of the Nehru-Gandhi clan. If this was a true report, I am intrigued to note that Reddy was implicitly associating 'Hindu' with 'Indian!' 5
This, I suppose, is an exercise in 'secularism'. And so it is, come to think of it, in the proper sense of the word, 'secular' means worldly, something or someone removed from the purely spiritual. Sonia Gandhi's reasons -- by implication those of the Congress -- are purely worldly. She is doing precisely what she accuses the Bharatiya Janata Party of doing -- mixing religion with politics. May I note in passing that the 'secular' media has been unusually quiet on this aspect? 5
Of course, I can understand why people in general visit Prayag in such numbers. This is a special occasion, a Kumbh Mela that began with a lunar eclipse. Such an event shall not take place again for 144 years. And in the wake of the pilgrim, the researcher and the reporter are bound to follow. (I wish that the latter two weren't quite so keen to sensationalise, but that is another story.) I cannot, however, remember Sonia Gandhi displaying any interest in Hinduism, in scholarship in general, or in journalism. 5
What the Congress president has done is a complete fraud from beginning to end. It is a cheap attempt to win votes. Yet it is, of course, all in the finest traditions of the Congress. When V P Singh stood from Allahabad as the joint nominee of the Opposition, the Rajiv Gandhi administration brought the troupe of Ramanand Sagar's television serial Ramayana to campaign. 5
The late prime minister Mr Rajiv Gandhi himself inaugurated his election schedule from Ayodhya in 1989, with a promise of 'Ram Rajya'. The media would have lambasted the Bharatiya Janata Party had one of its leaders tried these tactics. Rajiv Gandhi and his Italian wife are luckier. 5
Truth be told, I am more than little sceptical not just about Sonia Gandhi's interest in the Kumbh Mela, but her professed love for India itself. I recall that some television reporter asked Priyanka Vadra why her mother had taken so long to adopt Indian citizenship. The princess of 10, Janpath replied that it was only natural if someone took five or six years to make such an important decision. 5
This was a misleading response. Sonia Gandhi didn't take five years, but closer to fifteen. There is plenty of evidence that in her early years in Delhi, Sonia Gandhi had more European friends than Indian. (This list included Ottavio Quattrocchi and his wife, and Satish Sharma's Dutch bride.) 5
But forget all that, the Congress boss's attempt to curry favour by visiting Prayag isn't just 'secular,' remember it is the single greatest gathering of humanity in one place at one time. The local administration is under immense pressure to ensure that everything goes smoothly. The biggest rush is expected to take place on January 24 -- the day of Mauni Amavaasya. And now here was Sonia Gandhi throwing careful plans into disarray just two days before that! 5
The Congress president is entitled to Special Protection Group guards. As irritated Delhiites shall attest, this level of protection means inconvenience to everybody else, with the roads being cleared for the lady. Going to Prayag was nothing more than a way to irritate the genuine pilgrims. In effect, they were being asked to keep away from the sacred waters so that a silly politician could hog the cameras! 5
Worse, when one of the priests chose to ask her about this -- as he was legally entitled to do -- he was brushed aside by Rajasekhara Reddy, the prospective Congress chief minister of Andhra Pradesh in the election that was coming up. (As everybody in Andhra Pradesh knows, Reddy too is a Christian despite the name.) 5
This led to a flurry of debate, not least on the Internet. Many people were offended by Reddy's reputed assertion that nobody could question her credentials, as Sonia Gandhi was a member of the Nehru-Gandhi clan. If this was a true report, I am intrigued to note that Reddy was implicitly associating 'Hindu' with 'Indian!' 5
This, I suppose, is an exercise in 'secularism'. And so it is, come to think of it, in the proper sense of the word, 'secular' means worldly, something or someone removed from the purely spiritual. Sonia Gandhi's reasons -- by implication those of the Congress -- are purely worldly. She is doing precisely what she accuses the Bharatiya Janata Party of doing -- mixing religion with politics. May I note in passing that the 'secular' media has been unusually quiet on this aspect? 5
Of course, I can understand why people in general visit Prayag in such numbers. This is a special occasion, a Kumbh Mela that began with a lunar eclipse. Such an event shall not take place again for 144 years. And in the wake of the pilgrim, the researcher and the reporter are bound to follow. (I wish that the latter two weren't quite so keen to sensationalise, but that is another story.) I cannot, however, remember Sonia Gandhi displaying any interest in Hinduism, in scholarship in general, or in journalism. 5
What the Congress president has done is a complete fraud from beginning to end. It is a cheap attempt to win votes. Yet it is, of course, all in the finest traditions of the Congress. When V P Singh stood from Allahabad as the joint nominee of the Opposition, the Rajiv Gandhi administration brought the troupe of Ramanand Sagar's television serial Ramayana to campaign. 5
The late prime minister Mr Rajiv Gandhi himself inaugurated his election schedule from Ayodhya in 1989, with a promise of 'Ram Rajya'. The media would have lambasted the Bharatiya Janata Party had one of its leaders tried these tactics. Rajiv Gandhi and his Italian wife are luckier. 5
Truth be told, I am more than little sceptical not just about Sonia Gandhi's interest in the Kumbh Mela, but her professed love for India itself. I recall that some television reporter asked Priyanka Vadra why her mother had taken so long to adopt Indian citizenship. The princess of 10, Janpath replied that it was only natural if someone took five or six years to make such an important decision. 5
This was a misleading response. Sonia Gandhi didn't take five years, but closer to fifteen. There is plenty of evidence that in her early years in Delhi, Sonia Gandhi had more European friends than Indian. (This list included Ottavio Quattrocchi and his wife, and Satish Sharma's Dutch bride.) 5
But forget all that, the Congress boss's attempt to curry favour by visiting Prayag isn't just 'secular,' remember it is the single greatest gathering of humanity in one place at one time. The local administration is under immense pressure to ensure that everything goes smoothly. The biggest rush is expected to take place on January 24 -- the day of Mauni Amavaasya. And now here was Sonia Gandhi throwing careful plans into disarray just two days before that! 5
The Congress president is entitled to Special Protection Group guards. As irritated Delhiites shall attest, this level of protection means inconvenience to everybody else, with the roads being cleared for the lady. Going to Prayag was nothing more than a way to irritate the genuine pilgrims. In effect, they were being asked to keep away from the sacred waters so that a silly politician could hog the cameras! 5
To see all articles of writer visit www.bharatsangh.com
K. Premkumar is now posted as the SP of Kancheepuram and is put in charge of the Sankaramanan, murder case. One can remember the appointment of a policeman Sunil in Kerala, for investigating the sex racket run by the Muslim league minister, 'Ice cream Kunjalikutty', in Kerala. Sunil himself was involved in three sex rackets and entrusting such a case with Sunil was like giving the key to the thief. The list of VIPs who raped the Kiliroor sex victim as told in her death declaration did not find in the list of documents Sunil submitted to the court. Like wise appointing Premkumar who has two prosecutions for torture and criminal assaults against him is more looking like that Jayalalitha is trying to manufacture evidence by torture, and the Sankararaman murder could have some connection to Premkumar himself. The prosecution recommended against Premkumar by the Director General of Police is pending with Jayalalitha since last year. .
Within a few years of having joined the service, Prem Kumar was named in a series of criminal cases. In one case he has even been convicted, but he appealed against the court verdict. In Tamil Nadu Prem Kumar is known as K. Premkumar because of his reputation for drugging and threatening the accused. The 'disturbing' past record of this investigating officer includes campaigning for an AIADMK candidates.
Prem Kumar was suspended by the Chief Election Commissioner for campaigning for an AIADMK candidate during the 2004 Lok Sabha polls. But he was reinstated as SP, Cuddalore, after the polls. It is obvious that here is a man who can go to any extent to please a political party. Even now he is embroiled in many cases. This kind of record for K. Premkumar heading the investigation in the cases against the Sankaracharya, shows that investigation into the murder case is a conspiracy and that a false case has been fabricated against Kanchi Sankaracharya Jayendra Saraswathi.
Mr K. Premkumar has no regard for law or truth. The role played by the police officers in this case would prove that this officer has behaved like barbarians without giving any respect to human dignity, that too with the ladies.
“It would be shameful to find that a person like the K Premkumar has been allowed to work in the police department.’’
From the time he was a sub-inspector in Madurai in the eighties, through his days as Deputy Superintendent of Police to the late nineties when he was promoted to the post of Superintendent of Police, Premkumar has had little patience for the rulebook and his high-handedness has shocked his superiors time and again, say insiders.
His beginnings were appropriately ominous. When he was only a sub-inspector in Vadipatti in Madurai district he took upon himself the job of evicting a tenant of a fellow policeman. The ex-serviceman tenant, Nallakaman, only wanted the advance of Rs 5,000 he had made returned.
The money was not coming and so Nallakaman decided to dig in his heels. But he had failed to take into account Premkumar’s interest in the case and had to pay for his costly mistake.
On February 1, 1982 Nallakaman, his wife and son were beaten up at the Vadipatti police station by Premkumar and his colleagues. The head of the family was then handcuffed and paraded in the streets and dragged to the Vadipatti bus stand.
To top it all, a criminal case was registered against the hapless Nallakaman on charges, including attempt to murder. Public outcry followed, an RDO inquiry was ordered and the report confirmed all the allegations.
Finally, the Usilampatti RDO filed a criminal complaint against Premkumar and three others. Premkumar himself was placed under suspension.
Meantime, the case filed against Nallakaman, the one filed by the RDO against Premkumar and a private complaint preferred by Nallakaman himself dragged on in the Madurai District Sessions Court.
Interestingly, Premkumar took the Group-I services examination during the period, emerged successful and was appointed Deputy Superintendent of Police.
At one stage, he was also successful in having the Madurai proceedings quashed by the Madras High Court, but the Supreme Court reversed the ruling and directed that all the three cases be tried together and disposed of by March 31, 1995.
Premkumar moved up the ladder fast, nevertheless. As Superintendent of Police, he was perhaps unhappy that he should be bothered by the likes of Nallakaman and moved the Madras High Court to quash the proceedings against him, but it was his petition that was dismissed with costs.
While Premkumar had alleged that Nallakaman was stalling the trial, Justice Karpagavinayagam held that the cases had indeed been stalled by Premkumar and the other accused policemen and that the officer had shown disrespect to the Supreme Court and the High Court.
The judge noted that the Madurai court had issued as many as 13 non-bailable warrants against Premkumar between September 1995 and March 2000, but none of them was executed.
The judge also expressed dismay that the police officer should have ‘‘disrobed the saree of the woman teacher (Nallakaman’s wife) at the police station and attempted to remove her thali (mangalya sutra).’’
The judge went on to wonder how Premkumar came to be promoted so rapidly when his first appointment as DSP itself was temporary and subject to the issue of the Madurai trial. But Premkumar seems to be having the last laugh now, emerging as a dashing officer who does not flinch before the might of a prestigious mutt.
If in June 2002, Justice Karpagavinayagam was appalled by what Premkumar had done as a sub-inspector at Vadipatti, more revelations were to follow barely four months later.
A prist of Marthandam in Kanyakumari district and a key accused in the Gilbert Raj murder case, moved the High Court against the brutal treatment meted out to him and two other co-accused, Sister Wiselin Femina Rose and Sister Sahayarani Jeyamary. The priest had been brutally beaten up and the sisters stripped and molested by Premkumar and another DSP Panneerselvam.
Directing a CB-CID inquiry into the allegations, the judge recorded in ghastly detail the testimonies of the two sisters: ‘‘Premkumar, DSP, came near Sahayarani and removed her saree and petticoat and threw them at the corner of the room. Then he also tore the blouse and pulled her breasts.
Premkumar, DSP, took his lathi and fisted on her stomach as well as on her private parts. At the same time, Panneerselvam, DSP, similarly removed the saree of Femina Rose.
After tearing the blouse, he pulled her breast and fisted on the chest with lathi. Joseph John and Gnanakan, father of Femina Rose (who were also present) prostrated before Premkumar, DSP, and Panneerselvam, DSP, requesting them not to outrage the modesty of the ladies. They also said that they would give any statement as they dictated...’’
Premkumar was pardoned under the Probationary Offenders Act in the Nallakaman case by the Madurai Sessions Court, in effect holding him guilty. But in the Kanyakumari case, no attempts seem to have been made by the CB-CID to launch prosecution against him despite a division Bench of the High Court and the Supreme Court upholding the single judge’s order.
Within a few years of having joined the service, Prem Kumar was named in a series of criminal cases. In one case he has even been convicted, but he appealed against the court verdict. In Tamil Nadu Prem Kumar is known as K. Premkumar because of his reputation for drugging and threatening the accused. The 'disturbing' past record of this investigating officer includes campaigning for an AIADMK candidates.
Prem Kumar was suspended by the Chief Election Commissioner for campaigning for an AIADMK candidate during the 2004 Lok Sabha polls. But he was reinstated as SP, Cuddalore, after the polls. It is obvious that here is a man who can go to any extent to please a political party. Even now he is embroiled in many cases. This kind of record for K. Premkumar heading the investigation in the cases against the Sankaracharya, shows that investigation into the murder case is a conspiracy and that a false case has been fabricated against Kanchi Sankaracharya Jayendra Saraswathi.
Mr K. Premkumar has no regard for law or truth. The role played by the police officers in this case would prove that this officer has behaved like barbarians without giving any respect to human dignity, that too with the ladies.
“It would be shameful to find that a person like the K Premkumar has been allowed to work in the police department.’’
From the time he was a sub-inspector in Madurai in the eighties, through his days as Deputy Superintendent of Police to the late nineties when he was promoted to the post of Superintendent of Police, Premkumar has had little patience for the rulebook and his high-handedness has shocked his superiors time and again, say insiders.
His beginnings were appropriately ominous. When he was only a sub-inspector in Vadipatti in Madurai district he took upon himself the job of evicting a tenant of a fellow policeman. The ex-serviceman tenant, Nallakaman, only wanted the advance of Rs 5,000 he had made returned.
The money was not coming and so Nallakaman decided to dig in his heels. But he had failed to take into account Premkumar’s interest in the case and had to pay for his costly mistake.
On February 1, 1982 Nallakaman, his wife and son were beaten up at the Vadipatti police station by Premkumar and his colleagues. The head of the family was then handcuffed and paraded in the streets and dragged to the Vadipatti bus stand.
To top it all, a criminal case was registered against the hapless Nallakaman on charges, including attempt to murder. Public outcry followed, an RDO inquiry was ordered and the report confirmed all the allegations.
Finally, the Usilampatti RDO filed a criminal complaint against Premkumar and three others. Premkumar himself was placed under suspension.
Meantime, the case filed against Nallakaman, the one filed by the RDO against Premkumar and a private complaint preferred by Nallakaman himself dragged on in the Madurai District Sessions Court.
Interestingly, Premkumar took the Group-I services examination during the period, emerged successful and was appointed Deputy Superintendent of Police.
At one stage, he was also successful in having the Madurai proceedings quashed by the Madras High Court, but the Supreme Court reversed the ruling and directed that all the three cases be tried together and disposed of by March 31, 1995.
Premkumar moved up the ladder fast, nevertheless. As Superintendent of Police, he was perhaps unhappy that he should be bothered by the likes of Nallakaman and moved the Madras High Court to quash the proceedings against him, but it was his petition that was dismissed with costs.
While Premkumar had alleged that Nallakaman was stalling the trial, Justice Karpagavinayagam held that the cases had indeed been stalled by Premkumar and the other accused policemen and that the officer had shown disrespect to the Supreme Court and the High Court.
The judge noted that the Madurai court had issued as many as 13 non-bailable warrants against Premkumar between September 1995 and March 2000, but none of them was executed.
The judge also expressed dismay that the police officer should have ‘‘disrobed the saree of the woman teacher (Nallakaman’s wife) at the police station and attempted to remove her thali (mangalya sutra).’’
The judge went on to wonder how Premkumar came to be promoted so rapidly when his first appointment as DSP itself was temporary and subject to the issue of the Madurai trial. But Premkumar seems to be having the last laugh now, emerging as a dashing officer who does not flinch before the might of a prestigious mutt.
If in June 2002, Justice Karpagavinayagam was appalled by what Premkumar had done as a sub-inspector at Vadipatti, more revelations were to follow barely four months later.
A prist of Marthandam in Kanyakumari district and a key accused in the Gilbert Raj murder case, moved the High Court against the brutal treatment meted out to him and two other co-accused, Sister Wiselin Femina Rose and Sister Sahayarani Jeyamary. The priest had been brutally beaten up and the sisters stripped and molested by Premkumar and another DSP Panneerselvam.
Directing a CB-CID inquiry into the allegations, the judge recorded in ghastly detail the testimonies of the two sisters: ‘‘Premkumar, DSP, came near Sahayarani and removed her saree and petticoat and threw them at the corner of the room. Then he also tore the blouse and pulled her breasts.
Premkumar, DSP, took his lathi and fisted on her stomach as well as on her private parts. At the same time, Panneerselvam, DSP, similarly removed the saree of Femina Rose.
After tearing the blouse, he pulled her breast and fisted on the chest with lathi. Joseph John and Gnanakan, father of Femina Rose (who were also present) prostrated before Premkumar, DSP, and Panneerselvam, DSP, requesting them not to outrage the modesty of the ladies. They also said that they would give any statement as they dictated...’’
Premkumar was pardoned under the Probationary Offenders Act in the Nallakaman case by the Madurai Sessions Court, in effect holding him guilty. But in the Kanyakumari case, no attempts seem to have been made by the CB-CID to launch prosecution against him despite a division Bench of the High Court and the Supreme Court upholding the single judge’s order.
To see all articles of writer visit www.bharatsangh.com
If we see the manner in which Sankaracharya Swamy Jayendra Saraswathi was arrested it becomes clear that he is being implicated under a conspiracy.
Why Swamy Jayendra Saraswathi was arrested? If some one wants to know, than, he must try to know, what kind of work he was doing for Hindu society before arrest.
Shri Jayendra Saraswati was not happy with the condition of Hindu society. He was also worried about the Missionary activities in Tamilnadu in Particular and whole Bharat in general.
To reduce the activities and influence of Christian missionary Shri Jayendra Saraswati decided to extend activities of his mutt.
First in 1987 he launched 'Jana Kalyan Jagaran'. It had two different areas of operation - service to the people and awakening the masses. In his speech he also referred to flow of "foreign funds" to certain religious groups and the "division" of these funds for "Conversion".
In 1980 there was communal tension between Hindus and Christians over temple festivals in Kanyakumari district. The conversion of a substantial number of Dalits in Tiruneveli district received countrywide attention.
In Tamil Nadu, the AIADMK government appointed Shri Jayendra Saraswati head of a State level committee on protection of temple property. The State government brought in an act in 2002 to prevent "forcible" conversions.
The Second area in which Shri Jayendra Saraswati extend his activity was renunciation of Dalits. Dalits in Tamil Nadu were prime target of Christian Missionary. Shri Jayendra Saraswati started visiting slums and advised them to lead a better life and started so many welfare schemes for them. This has substantially reduced the influence of Christian Missionaries.
He made all endeavour to mediate in the Ayodhaya dispute and was about to break a solution but failed due to some inexplicable reasons.
In 2004 when NDA lost power from the centre it became clear that all efforts would be made to curtail the activity of Shri Jayendra Saraswati.
The Jayalaleetha government in Tamil Nadu lost Lok Sabha poll in 2004. It was due to her anti-employee activity. But she tried to put blame on NDA. Ms. J. Jayalaleetha was trying hard to improve her relation with congress. Death of A. Sankararaman gave her a chance to curtail the activity of Shri Jayendra Saraswati.
Today India is in a greater crisis than ever before. Sonia Gandhi, the daughter of an Italian Fascist who came in through the backdoor, controls our nation. In Manmohan Singh she got the ultimate pliable and controllable PM. 7
She had put Christians in control of congress and the party has become the den of traitors, helpers to Christian missionaries, and Muslim terrorists. 7
Coming from a nation known for its Mafia, Maino is now testing the waters in India with the most outrageous arrest of a Hindu Seer, to see how Indians are going to react. Arrest was done so meticulously from behind so that no one will see her role in it. During the last election the church had sent volunteers in many cities for house-to-house vote canvassing and many church leaders openly called the Christians to vote for Sonia Gandhi. The present arrest of the Seer is facilitated by the networking Christian bureaucrats. Once the so-called Dravidian party leaders are out, congress can take full control of Tamil Nadu. 7
Jayalalitha the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu state in India had ordered the arrest of a Hindu Seer, the Kanchi Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati in a draconian manner in the night on the Hindu festival day of Dipawali the 11th of November 2004 alleging that the 71 year old Seer had murdered an ex-employee of his mutt by name Sankararaman working in another temple in Kancheepuram. The arrest of the Seer was done in such a haste to insult the Hindu majority community in India and is seen as the result of meticulous planning by the fanatic Christian missionaries in India aided by some foreign spy agencies. 7
The arrest of the Seer is seen as ordered by Sonia Gandhi, the Super PM of India. Seer was arrested in Andhra Pradesh to avenge the arrest of a Muslim terrorist 'Maulana Nseeruddin' on the night of October 31st 2004, by the Gujarat Police in Hyderabad for the murder of an ex-minister of Gujarat, Haren Pandya. Nseeruddin is the president of Tehreek Taifooz Sher-e-islam and have links with Lashkr-e-toiba (LeT). His supporters are activists of the notorious Jehad-o-Shahadat (DJS), based in Hyderabad that had trained thousands of women Jihadis for decades and was beheading Hindus. DJS was abducting people in the city bus stops, for over a year after Gujarat riots, offering free lifts, take the persons to isolated Hyderabad suburbs, lift their dhothi to make sure that they are not circumcised and indeed are Hindus, and then cut their heads off in standard Islamic fashion. Hundreds were killed like this and it came to light when one of the victims with injuries reported the crime to the police. Chandrababu Naidu hushed up the whole incident. 7
The Seer was arrested by sending an armed group of policemen carrying assault rifles, in government planes thus violating government regulations. The police team traveled without the permission from the Director General of Civil aviation and without filing a flight plan which are mandatory. These things and secrecy of the arrest, indicates the operational clearance at the PM level. Seer was held in an operation similar to the arrest of an international terrorist to discredit Hindus. The method of arrest violated all Supreme Court guidelines and was a clear case of human right violation. But unfortunately NHRC is also more worried for the right of terrorist and antinational elements than normal citizen. The Seer could have been comfortably arrested in Chennai, but Sonia Gandhi wanted to show that a Hindu spiritual leader was arrested in Andhra Pradesh ruled by Congress on the Hindu festival day of Dipawali. 7
Full co-operation was provided in Andhra by the Christian Chief Minister Rajashekhar Reddy, who sport his Hindu name in public, by deputing another Christian policeman by name B.R. Dumas who is the SP of Mehaboobnagar. For the Gujarat police team this overt help was not extended and consequently the Gujarat policemen had to fire at the attacking Muslim crowd, in which one Muslim was killed, before they could arrest the Muslim terrorist. 7
Apparently Maino might have offered the closing of the cases against Jayalalitha in return for giving the spiritual head of Hindu society on a platter. Our nation is famous for Jaichands and Jayalalitha has proved to be one now. 7
In normal course Seer's arrest should have been carried out only after capturing the gang leader of the hit team known as 'Appu', alias Krishnaswamy, a well-known history sheeter and a DMK activist. Police have made no effort to track Appu or arrest him. Appu and one of the many wives of DMK chief Karunanidhi, 'Dayalu Ammal' are said to be connected. When Karunanidhi was the chief minister, Appu was allotted one room in the house of Dayalu Ammal when Dayalu stayed at the Oliver roadhouse. Appu was the henchman of the former DMK minister Arcot Veerasamy of the Karunanidhi cabinet. Appu was the uncrowned king of the rowdies of Chennai. 7
Police claims that he was the gang leader of the team that carried out the murder. So the brain behind the murder could only be DMK. Their involvement is also clear from the fact that DMK and the media controlled by it were asking as to why the government is not arresting the culprits. DMK party was organizing street protests and media coverage on Sankararaman's murder from day one. The murder occurred in September and in the normal course, it takes months and years to complete an investigation in India. There are hundreds of murders in Tamil Nadu every month and a party like DMK's insistence on the arrest of murder culprits of an insignificant Hindu temple employee is very surprising. 7
Sankararaman had written letters saying that if ever he is murdered, it will be by Kanchi Shankaracharya Sri Jayendra Saraswati. Apparently DMK or some one had seen an opportunity to fix AIADMK and its supremo Jayalalitha and weaken her political base with a single murder. The main policeman who investigated the crime is very close to Karunanidhi and it is not surprising that the effort of police was concentrated in framing the Seer from the beginning. The police have not even questioned Karunanidhi, his wife Dayalu, or Arcot Veerasamy to find out the whereabouts of Appu. 7
The selection of Christians and crypto Christians for the investigation and prosecution is seen in this case. (Crypto Christians are those who on government record remains as Hindu for the reservation benefit, but they are converted to Christianity for generations. An example is the case of Ajit Jogi. Even students who get reservation seats in all IITs fall in this category of Christian fraud) External agencies must have funded the operation of arrest. It is very much possible that once the utility of DMK is over in this conspiracy, and in the absence of Karunanidhi, Congress will blame Karunanidhi and take over the DMK cadre. Jayalalitha's AIADMK is out of public favor if the last parliamentary election is an indication. 7
The very nature of the murder of Sankararaman was for fixing the Seer. The modus operandi adopted was to kill Sankararaman is revealing. Murder was in broad daylight to create maximum sensation. If the murder was a revenge killing to eliminate the nuisance value it would have been done very discreetly and without leaving any evidence by the Appu alias Krishnaswamy and his assistant by name Chinna alias Rajni whom the police claim as the professional killers who committed the murder. Both Appu and Chinna are at large. But when DMK chief Karunanidhi and Sonia Gandhi put pressure on Jayalalitha for the arrest of Seer, Jayalalitha's trusted policemen had booked another Rajni, a small time offender and tortured him to confess to the crime. The police showed some Rupee bundles issued by the ICICI bank, and claimed that it was the money paid by the Seer for the murder. Later when the Kanchi Mutt made public statement that they had no bank account with ICICI, the police was in a fix and they are looking for all devotees living in and around Kancheepuram, who had ICICI bank account. One basic question anyone will ask is about the type of policemen of Tamil Nadu. 7
It is looking like DMK and AIADMK are vying with each other to please the anti-national catholic Sonia Gandhi by fixing the Hindu Seer on a Dipawali. This is like arresting Shahi Imam on Id-ul-fitr or Pope on a Christmas day. Putting the Seer in Vellore jail, which is a well-known Christian centre, is at the orders of Sonia Gandhi to insult further the Hindu community. Jayalalitha wants to join the Congress coalition in the next election to retain her power. Out of power she could permanently inside the smelly prison of Chennai. 7
K Premkumar, Superintendent of Police of Kancheepuram was transferred to Cuddalore as SP on 2 September, 2004. Sankararaman was murdered on 3rd September, 2004. A Christian by name S. Davidson Devasirvatham was posted at Kancheepuram as the Superintendent of Police. Five men went to Kancheepuram Varadarajaswamy temple and stabbed Sankararaman at around 5.30 pm, but two clerks Ganesh and Duraikannan, sitting in the same room, when murder was going on, claim that they shut their eyes and did not see the faces of any of the murderers. Davidson Devasirvatham investigated and implicated Seer in the crime. K. Doraiswamy who is a Christian was the Public Prosecutor and he calls the Seer a "CRIMINAL" even before the trial. He argued against providing pooja facilities to the Seer. When counsel of acharya pleaded before court for an "interim arrangement", which would allow him to perform puja every day from morning to evening. TN government said that "There is a limit for special treatment. He is the most undeserving criminal, deserving no special treatment." Public Prosecutor Christian K Doraisamy also said that he was embarrassed by the presence of a former Madras High Court judge T S Arunachalam in the court during the initial hearing. A Christian advocate Senthil Kumar, opposing the grant of bail to Seer filed a petition alleging that the Shankaracharya, if released on bail, might harass witnesses. He was also one of the rowdies that attacked the Hindu protesters at the court. Another Christian advocate 'Wilfred Prakash filed a frivolous habeas corpus writ petition in the Madras high court seeking the release of Seer. Many Christian advocates of Chennai High court demonstrated with placards decrying the murder as well as demanding the closure of the 2000-year-old Hindu Mutt. 7
All these indicated a massive Christian planning behind the murder and the arrest of Seer. The Christian lawyers of Madras High court shouted slogans against granting bail to the Seer. It was not long ago that a Judicial officer had issued an arrest warrant against the Indian president A.P.J. Abdul Kalam after accepting bribe. The demonstration by the Chennai Christian lawyers against the granting of bail to the Seer, speaks volumes of the level to which the legal profession has gone down in India. The anti Shankaracharya Christian lawyer protesters along with the Christian NGOs attacked the Hindu activists who were protesting the arrest of the Seer. Many were hurt in that incident. 7
On talking to constables outside Vellore jail it was gathered that policemen had come drunk in celebration of the arrest of Seer. They misbehaved with the Seer and one constable said that the officials in the name of interrogation made fun of Seer and asked him if he would share their chicken curry. According to some constables the Shankaracharya was silent throughout and has not talked anything. The police officials partied by drinking that night. Late in the night one of the senior policemen slapped the Seer repeatedly asking the Seer to confess the crime. On 19th November 2004, the Magistrate in Kancheepuram, G. Uthamaraj remanded the Seer for three days in Police custody. 7
On November 24, Kathiravan and Rajni were brought to the Kancheepuram magistrate's court for extending their judicial remand. At that time Kathiravan wished to make a statement. The prosecution protested, `his confession having been recorded in camera, he should not be allowed to speak'! The court overruled, asked Kathiravan to write his statement. As his hand had been rendered inoperative by the police bashing, the magistrate himself recorded his statement. 7
In the next few minutes, speaking extempore, Kathiravan demolished the police case against the Acharya, exposed them as fabricators of the case against him. He told the court that he, along with his friends, was arrested on November 3. Not, as the police lied, on November 9. [His lawyers had recorded this fact on Nov 3 itself] That between November 4 and November 8, under police torture he said what the police wanted him to say. That he was kept in a Marwari's house in Uthandi, on the outskirts of Chennai for two days and beaten black and blue. That he was shown to different persons as Kathiravan [so that they may say they knew him, even though they did not know him]. That from Nov 4 to 8, he was kept in `Paramount Hotel' in Sriperumpudur in Room nos 108 and 109, and was tortured to confess `as the police wanted'. That he was made to sign on blank sheets. That on Nov 9, he was made to stay in the office of the Additional Superintendent of Police, Kancheepuram, and in the night made to say, `whatever the police wanted him to say' in front of a video camera and in the presence of the Tehsildar. That he was remanded the next day, November 10. That between Nov 15 and 17 he was pressurised to make judicial confession under sec 164 of the Penal Code `as the police wanted'. That he was not allowed to meet his relatives, his brother too was arrested. That.... Kathiravan went on. 7
All this Kathiravan told a stunned court and the public totally spontaneously. He corroborated his statements with events, places, and dates. He demonstrated that the police were fixing the Acharya through him. He admitted that his confessions to the police and to the Tehsildar, used to arrest the Acharya, were obtained under duress. So the star witness against the Acharya in the court is today the star witness against the police in public. 7
But the more dangerous is the testimony of Rajni alias Chinna who also said that he was bashed up for days to tell lies against himself and the Acharya. He lost his teeth in police bashing. He exhibited his injuries to the court. What he said was also identical to what Kathiravan said. Yet both had never met before. He may be the smoking gun against the police who know he is not involved in the crime at all! He is a petty pickpocket, cannot even wield a blade, according to insiders. 7
Rajni also claimed to have a copy of the telegram he had sent to the Chief Justice of the Madras High Court complaining of the torture! Statements of Kathiravan and Rajni are highly corroborated, also spontaneous. They were all along in police custody. Even their relatives were not allowed to meet them. 7
Now after what Kathiravan and Rajni told the Magistrate at Kancheepuram, not the Sankaracharya, but the police stand accused. But still it is Sankaracharya who is in jail and those who are accused of fixing him by fabrication are keeping him in jail. This bizarre situation is a product of a perverted investigation and an equally perverted decision to arrest the Sankaracharya on the basis of a perverted investigation. Yes the prosecution has all but collapsed. The only question is who will do the funeral for it and when. It can happen forthwith if the State realises it has been misled by police. Or years later though courts. Emboldened by the dishonesty of the media the police may still attempt more fabrication to fix the Acharya. But it will get into more trouble and also get the government into more embarrassment. But who will admit that the case is dead? Neither the media, which virtually turned the prosecutor, nor the State whose police, is the fixer. Then who, except the court? 7
With this retraction of the charges made against the Kanchi Seer by two key witnesses, Jayalalitha within two days hurriedly shuffled the police personal to avoid embarrassment. As ordered by Sonia Gandhi, she even upgraded the post of Chief of Tamil Nadu Intelligence wing from Asst DGP to DGP, promoted and posted a Christian A.X. Alexander who was shunted out by her in 2001, so that Antonio Maino can keep an eye on Tamil Nadu. 7
In his truthful and the cutting edge analysis the well known Shri. S. Gurumurthy had laid open the helplessness of the peace loving Hindu community, which is being targeted by inimical forces in the governments and media, and says that only funeral is left for the arrest episode. Janata Party president Dr Subramaniam Swamy has said that the arrest and remand of Kanchi seer Jayendra Saraswathi was "clearly premature". He later stated that Sonia Gandhi had conspired with external agencies and put pressure on Jayalalitha, who is vulnerable because of the court cases against her on corruption charges, to destroy the Kanchi Mutt. This is part of the Christian missionary agenda. The churches are sore that the Kanchi Shankaracharya has been successful in starting schools and building temples in Dalit areas coveted by the missionaries for their conversion activities. 7
There was an earlier murder attempt on two devotees, before the Sankararaman's murder. In that attempt both the devotees, Madhavan and S. Radhakrishnan survived the murder attempt. Conveniently the police never cracked the case even though they claim now that it was carried out by the same Appu gang. Had that murder attempt was successful the Seer would have been framed for their murder earlier. It was well known that the police never bothered to crack this case earlier as that attempt did not result in death. New arrest warrant was issued against the Seer on this murder attempt to trap him in the notorious anti people legal system of India, by Jayalalitha. 7
The arrest of the Seer is unforgivable affront to the Hindu community. Hindus are not violent like Muslims and not networked or funded by external agencies like Christians. These alien religions want to convert the whole of India. The small differences among the Hindus are utilized by these external and foreign religions, Christianity and Islam. This is the reason for centuries of subjugation of Hindus by small groups of violent foreigners. The imprisonment of Seer on murder charges, and his police custody was to manufacture evidence and insult Hindus. The anti Hindu media funded by Muslim and Christian nations had convicted the Seer. Today power brokers are prostitutes, film actors and actresses, pimps, thieves, mass murderers, fake currency and fake stamp paper printers, Muslim terrorists etc. Even Judges like J.P. Singh had to ask the help of notorious terrorist Dawood Ibrahim to collect back the amounts due to him. 7
Jayalalitha the film actress turned politician who came up from the casting couch of yesteryear tamil film world, was elected to power by the film crazy tamilians. She is the symbol of corruption goddess if the court cases against her are any indication. Supreme court had ordered the transfer of cases pending against her out of Tamil Nadu to prevent her influence. When Karunanidhi was in power in 1996, his policemen had arrested Jayalalitha, systematically tortured and lodged her in a stinking cell of Chennai Central Jail. Jayalalitha when in power retaliated in 2001 by arresting 78-year-old Karunanidhi shortly after midnight, and tortured him. 7
Union Commerce Minister Murasoli Maran was injured and was taken to the police station. Murasoli Maran was later admitted to the Apollo Hospital and eventually passed away. The BJP government could neither dismiss Jayalalitha government nor was able to even transfer three policemen who tortured the central ministers as demanded by the DMK. That eventually led to the parting of ways between ruling partner DMK with BJP and cost dearly for BJP when it lost the last parliamentary election. (One of the cops in that was a Muslim Mohamed Ali and the present UPA government had arrested him for his involvement in the Rs 60000 crore fake stamp paper scam run by Telgi.). 7
With more vigour Jayalalitha over reached herself and arrested in her characteristic fashion, the Hindu Seer who is the symbol of Hindu religion. 7
The Justice Jain Commission, which investigated the conspiracy behind the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, in its interim report, stated that Karunanidhi, who was the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu during 1989-91, had links with the assassins. DMK was seen forcing this issue of murder of Sankararaman. Only future can tell us, as to where these events can lead the destinies of Jayalalitha, Karunanidhi, and Sonia Gandhi who are the principal actors in the Seer's arrest. 7
Tamil politicians are from film world and their low background, lack of education and inferiority complex reflect on what is going on in Tamil Nadu politics today. The present arrest of Seer is the result of a filmy type plot, with external funding and organized with the help of Christian bureaucrats in Chennai. (One is forced to remember the case of Mathew of Home ministry who was spying for Tehelka, charge sheeted by CBI, but rehabilitated now by Sonia Gandhi). Tamil Nadu policemen are known for custodial rape, abduction and rape and corruption and a bunch of them currently are being investigated by CBI for abduction and rape of a woman 'Sivakasi Jayalakshmi". 7
Where will this arrest episode will lead? The conspirators have achieved their end result. The Seer arrest is similar to the ISRO spy case initiated by CIA with the help of Christian policemen of Kerala state in India. In this two space scientists were accused of spying, arrested and tortured to fabricate evidence. This was to stop India developing the Cryogenic motor for the space rockets. It is time that Hindus should unite to stop the Christian menace in India. The arrest may even have something to do with the Joshua project, which is aimed at total conversion of the world to Christianity. 7
On counter investigation we found the case against the Sankaracharya slippery. Now it turns out that the case is not just slippery, but actually groundless from day one. Not just that, it involves a bit of fabrication too. Yes, fabrication to fix the Acharya. The police are now running for cover. They may not give up yet, may fabricate more to put the case, which is virtually dead, on life support system. But the case is irretrievably lost. This dramatic turn came on Wednesday in Kancheepuram Magistrate's court. The two criminals, on whom the police had exclusively `relied' to name the Sankaracharya as an accused in the case, have actually turned to accuse the police as fabricators of the case itself!
On January 10, 2005 the Supreme Court granted bail to Shri Jayendra Saraswati, setting aside the order of the Madras High Court, which had denied him bail twice, on November 20 and December 8, 2004. A three-member Bench of the Supreme Court, comprising Chief Justice R.C. Lahoti and Justices G.P. Mathur and P.P. Naolekar, said in their 17-page order that the 39 letters written by Sankararaman to Jayendra Saraswati did not constitute a motive for the murder. 4
The Bench said: "In our opinion, the recovery of these letters from the house of the deceased himself is not a proof of the fact that they were actually received by the petitioner (Jayendra Saraswati) or were brought to his notice." 4
It ruled that "there is absolutely no evidence collected in the investigation that the petitioner made any kind of protest or took any kind of action against the deceased" the court further said "there is absolutely no evidence or material collected so far in the investigation which may indicate that the petitioner had ever shown any resentment against the deceased for having made allegations against either his personal character or the discharge of his duties as the Sankaracharya of the mutt. The petitioner having kept absolutely quiet for over three years, it does not appeal to reason that he suddenly decided to have Sankararaman murdered and entered into a conspiracy for the said purpose," 4
The Bench pointed out that the prosecution's stand, when the Madras High Court twice heard Jayendra Saraswathi's bail petitions, was that Rs. 50 lakhs was withdrawn from the mutt's account in the ICICI Bank at Kancheepuram to be paid to the contract killers. Although the Bench directed the prosecution to give particulars of the bank account from which the money was withdrawn, " no document of the account in the ICICI Bank have been produced in support of the plea which was twice taken by the prosecution before the High Court while opposing the prayer for bail by the petitioner". 4
The State government then took a different stand - that Jayendra Saraswathi paid to the contract killers the advance (Rs. 50 lakhs) he received for the sale of the Kanchi Janakalyan Trust. But, the Bench pointed out that the Rs. 50 lakhs, which was received in cash on April 30, 2004, was deposited in Indian Bank, Sankara Mutt branch, on May 7, 2004 (that is, four months before Sankararaman's murder). It said: "This belies the prosecution case which was developed subsequently after the order had been passed by this Court on December 17, 2004 directing the State to produce copy of the ICICI Bank account, that the cash was retained by the petitioner (Jayendra Saraswathi) from which substantial money was paid to the hirelings." 4When state government found that bail has been granted to Shri Jayendra Saraswati, 70 police personnel led by Premkumar entered the mutt premises at Kanchipuram and arrested Vijayendra Saraswathi. This shows the clear intention of the State government.
Why Swamy Jayendra Saraswathi was arrested? If some one wants to know, than, he must try to know, what kind of work he was doing for Hindu society before arrest.
Shri Jayendra Saraswati was not happy with the condition of Hindu society. He was also worried about the Missionary activities in Tamilnadu in Particular and whole Bharat in general.
To reduce the activities and influence of Christian missionary Shri Jayendra Saraswati decided to extend activities of his mutt.
First in 1987 he launched 'Jana Kalyan Jagaran'. It had two different areas of operation - service to the people and awakening the masses. In his speech he also referred to flow of "foreign funds" to certain religious groups and the "division" of these funds for "Conversion".
In 1980 there was communal tension between Hindus and Christians over temple festivals in Kanyakumari district. The conversion of a substantial number of Dalits in Tiruneveli district received countrywide attention.
In Tamil Nadu, the AIADMK government appointed Shri Jayendra Saraswati head of a State level committee on protection of temple property. The State government brought in an act in 2002 to prevent "forcible" conversions.
The Second area in which Shri Jayendra Saraswati extend his activity was renunciation of Dalits. Dalits in Tamil Nadu were prime target of Christian Missionary. Shri Jayendra Saraswati started visiting slums and advised them to lead a better life and started so many welfare schemes for them. This has substantially reduced the influence of Christian Missionaries.
He made all endeavour to mediate in the Ayodhaya dispute and was about to break a solution but failed due to some inexplicable reasons.
In 2004 when NDA lost power from the centre it became clear that all efforts would be made to curtail the activity of Shri Jayendra Saraswati.
The Jayalaleetha government in Tamil Nadu lost Lok Sabha poll in 2004. It was due to her anti-employee activity. But she tried to put blame on NDA. Ms. J. Jayalaleetha was trying hard to improve her relation with congress. Death of A. Sankararaman gave her a chance to curtail the activity of Shri Jayendra Saraswati.
Today India is in a greater crisis than ever before. Sonia Gandhi, the daughter of an Italian Fascist who came in through the backdoor, controls our nation. In Manmohan Singh she got the ultimate pliable and controllable PM. 7
She had put Christians in control of congress and the party has become the den of traitors, helpers to Christian missionaries, and Muslim terrorists. 7
Coming from a nation known for its Mafia, Maino is now testing the waters in India with the most outrageous arrest of a Hindu Seer, to see how Indians are going to react. Arrest was done so meticulously from behind so that no one will see her role in it. During the last election the church had sent volunteers in many cities for house-to-house vote canvassing and many church leaders openly called the Christians to vote for Sonia Gandhi. The present arrest of the Seer is facilitated by the networking Christian bureaucrats. Once the so-called Dravidian party leaders are out, congress can take full control of Tamil Nadu. 7
Jayalalitha the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu state in India had ordered the arrest of a Hindu Seer, the Kanchi Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati in a draconian manner in the night on the Hindu festival day of Dipawali the 11th of November 2004 alleging that the 71 year old Seer had murdered an ex-employee of his mutt by name Sankararaman working in another temple in Kancheepuram. The arrest of the Seer was done in such a haste to insult the Hindu majority community in India and is seen as the result of meticulous planning by the fanatic Christian missionaries in India aided by some foreign spy agencies. 7
The arrest of the Seer is seen as ordered by Sonia Gandhi, the Super PM of India. Seer was arrested in Andhra Pradesh to avenge the arrest of a Muslim terrorist 'Maulana Nseeruddin' on the night of October 31st 2004, by the Gujarat Police in Hyderabad for the murder of an ex-minister of Gujarat, Haren Pandya. Nseeruddin is the president of Tehreek Taifooz Sher-e-islam and have links with Lashkr-e-toiba (LeT). His supporters are activists of the notorious Jehad-o-Shahadat (DJS), based in Hyderabad that had trained thousands of women Jihadis for decades and was beheading Hindus. DJS was abducting people in the city bus stops, for over a year after Gujarat riots, offering free lifts, take the persons to isolated Hyderabad suburbs, lift their dhothi to make sure that they are not circumcised and indeed are Hindus, and then cut their heads off in standard Islamic fashion. Hundreds were killed like this and it came to light when one of the victims with injuries reported the crime to the police. Chandrababu Naidu hushed up the whole incident. 7
The Seer was arrested by sending an armed group of policemen carrying assault rifles, in government planes thus violating government regulations. The police team traveled without the permission from the Director General of Civil aviation and without filing a flight plan which are mandatory. These things and secrecy of the arrest, indicates the operational clearance at the PM level. Seer was held in an operation similar to the arrest of an international terrorist to discredit Hindus. The method of arrest violated all Supreme Court guidelines and was a clear case of human right violation. But unfortunately NHRC is also more worried for the right of terrorist and antinational elements than normal citizen. The Seer could have been comfortably arrested in Chennai, but Sonia Gandhi wanted to show that a Hindu spiritual leader was arrested in Andhra Pradesh ruled by Congress on the Hindu festival day of Dipawali. 7
Full co-operation was provided in Andhra by the Christian Chief Minister Rajashekhar Reddy, who sport his Hindu name in public, by deputing another Christian policeman by name B.R. Dumas who is the SP of Mehaboobnagar. For the Gujarat police team this overt help was not extended and consequently the Gujarat policemen had to fire at the attacking Muslim crowd, in which one Muslim was killed, before they could arrest the Muslim terrorist. 7
Apparently Maino might have offered the closing of the cases against Jayalalitha in return for giving the spiritual head of Hindu society on a platter. Our nation is famous for Jaichands and Jayalalitha has proved to be one now. 7
In normal course Seer's arrest should have been carried out only after capturing the gang leader of the hit team known as 'Appu', alias Krishnaswamy, a well-known history sheeter and a DMK activist. Police have made no effort to track Appu or arrest him. Appu and one of the many wives of DMK chief Karunanidhi, 'Dayalu Ammal' are said to be connected. When Karunanidhi was the chief minister, Appu was allotted one room in the house of Dayalu Ammal when Dayalu stayed at the Oliver roadhouse. Appu was the henchman of the former DMK minister Arcot Veerasamy of the Karunanidhi cabinet. Appu was the uncrowned king of the rowdies of Chennai. 7
Police claims that he was the gang leader of the team that carried out the murder. So the brain behind the murder could only be DMK. Their involvement is also clear from the fact that DMK and the media controlled by it were asking as to why the government is not arresting the culprits. DMK party was organizing street protests and media coverage on Sankararaman's murder from day one. The murder occurred in September and in the normal course, it takes months and years to complete an investigation in India. There are hundreds of murders in Tamil Nadu every month and a party like DMK's insistence on the arrest of murder culprits of an insignificant Hindu temple employee is very surprising. 7
Sankararaman had written letters saying that if ever he is murdered, it will be by Kanchi Shankaracharya Sri Jayendra Saraswati. Apparently DMK or some one had seen an opportunity to fix AIADMK and its supremo Jayalalitha and weaken her political base with a single murder. The main policeman who investigated the crime is very close to Karunanidhi and it is not surprising that the effort of police was concentrated in framing the Seer from the beginning. The police have not even questioned Karunanidhi, his wife Dayalu, or Arcot Veerasamy to find out the whereabouts of Appu. 7
The selection of Christians and crypto Christians for the investigation and prosecution is seen in this case. (Crypto Christians are those who on government record remains as Hindu for the reservation benefit, but they are converted to Christianity for generations. An example is the case of Ajit Jogi. Even students who get reservation seats in all IITs fall in this category of Christian fraud) External agencies must have funded the operation of arrest. It is very much possible that once the utility of DMK is over in this conspiracy, and in the absence of Karunanidhi, Congress will blame Karunanidhi and take over the DMK cadre. Jayalalitha's AIADMK is out of public favor if the last parliamentary election is an indication. 7
The very nature of the murder of Sankararaman was for fixing the Seer. The modus operandi adopted was to kill Sankararaman is revealing. Murder was in broad daylight to create maximum sensation. If the murder was a revenge killing to eliminate the nuisance value it would have been done very discreetly and without leaving any evidence by the Appu alias Krishnaswamy and his assistant by name Chinna alias Rajni whom the police claim as the professional killers who committed the murder. Both Appu and Chinna are at large. But when DMK chief Karunanidhi and Sonia Gandhi put pressure on Jayalalitha for the arrest of Seer, Jayalalitha's trusted policemen had booked another Rajni, a small time offender and tortured him to confess to the crime. The police showed some Rupee bundles issued by the ICICI bank, and claimed that it was the money paid by the Seer for the murder. Later when the Kanchi Mutt made public statement that they had no bank account with ICICI, the police was in a fix and they are looking for all devotees living in and around Kancheepuram, who had ICICI bank account. One basic question anyone will ask is about the type of policemen of Tamil Nadu. 7
It is looking like DMK and AIADMK are vying with each other to please the anti-national catholic Sonia Gandhi by fixing the Hindu Seer on a Dipawali. This is like arresting Shahi Imam on Id-ul-fitr or Pope on a Christmas day. Putting the Seer in Vellore jail, which is a well-known Christian centre, is at the orders of Sonia Gandhi to insult further the Hindu community. Jayalalitha wants to join the Congress coalition in the next election to retain her power. Out of power she could permanently inside the smelly prison of Chennai. 7
K Premkumar, Superintendent of Police of Kancheepuram was transferred to Cuddalore as SP on 2 September, 2004. Sankararaman was murdered on 3rd September, 2004. A Christian by name S. Davidson Devasirvatham was posted at Kancheepuram as the Superintendent of Police. Five men went to Kancheepuram Varadarajaswamy temple and stabbed Sankararaman at around 5.30 pm, but two clerks Ganesh and Duraikannan, sitting in the same room, when murder was going on, claim that they shut their eyes and did not see the faces of any of the murderers. Davidson Devasirvatham investigated and implicated Seer in the crime. K. Doraiswamy who is a Christian was the Public Prosecutor and he calls the Seer a "CRIMINAL" even before the trial. He argued against providing pooja facilities to the Seer. When counsel of acharya pleaded before court for an "interim arrangement", which would allow him to perform puja every day from morning to evening. TN government said that "There is a limit for special treatment. He is the most undeserving criminal, deserving no special treatment." Public Prosecutor Christian K Doraisamy also said that he was embarrassed by the presence of a former Madras High Court judge T S Arunachalam in the court during the initial hearing. A Christian advocate Senthil Kumar, opposing the grant of bail to Seer filed a petition alleging that the Shankaracharya, if released on bail, might harass witnesses. He was also one of the rowdies that attacked the Hindu protesters at the court. Another Christian advocate 'Wilfred Prakash filed a frivolous habeas corpus writ petition in the Madras high court seeking the release of Seer. Many Christian advocates of Chennai High court demonstrated with placards decrying the murder as well as demanding the closure of the 2000-year-old Hindu Mutt. 7
All these indicated a massive Christian planning behind the murder and the arrest of Seer. The Christian lawyers of Madras High court shouted slogans against granting bail to the Seer. It was not long ago that a Judicial officer had issued an arrest warrant against the Indian president A.P.J. Abdul Kalam after accepting bribe. The demonstration by the Chennai Christian lawyers against the granting of bail to the Seer, speaks volumes of the level to which the legal profession has gone down in India. The anti Shankaracharya Christian lawyer protesters along with the Christian NGOs attacked the Hindu activists who were protesting the arrest of the Seer. Many were hurt in that incident. 7
On talking to constables outside Vellore jail it was gathered that policemen had come drunk in celebration of the arrest of Seer. They misbehaved with the Seer and one constable said that the officials in the name of interrogation made fun of Seer and asked him if he would share their chicken curry. According to some constables the Shankaracharya was silent throughout and has not talked anything. The police officials partied by drinking that night. Late in the night one of the senior policemen slapped the Seer repeatedly asking the Seer to confess the crime. On 19th November 2004, the Magistrate in Kancheepuram, G. Uthamaraj remanded the Seer for three days in Police custody. 7
On November 24, Kathiravan and Rajni were brought to the Kancheepuram magistrate's court for extending their judicial remand. At that time Kathiravan wished to make a statement. The prosecution protested, `his confession having been recorded in camera, he should not be allowed to speak'! The court overruled, asked Kathiravan to write his statement. As his hand had been rendered inoperative by the police bashing, the magistrate himself recorded his statement. 7
In the next few minutes, speaking extempore, Kathiravan demolished the police case against the Acharya, exposed them as fabricators of the case against him. He told the court that he, along with his friends, was arrested on November 3. Not, as the police lied, on November 9. [His lawyers had recorded this fact on Nov 3 itself] That between November 4 and November 8, under police torture he said what the police wanted him to say. That he was kept in a Marwari's house in Uthandi, on the outskirts of Chennai for two days and beaten black and blue. That he was shown to different persons as Kathiravan [so that they may say they knew him, even though they did not know him]. That from Nov 4 to 8, he was kept in `Paramount Hotel' in Sriperumpudur in Room nos 108 and 109, and was tortured to confess `as the police wanted'. That he was made to sign on blank sheets. That on Nov 9, he was made to stay in the office of the Additional Superintendent of Police, Kancheepuram, and in the night made to say, `whatever the police wanted him to say' in front of a video camera and in the presence of the Tehsildar. That he was remanded the next day, November 10. That between Nov 15 and 17 he was pressurised to make judicial confession under sec 164 of the Penal Code `as the police wanted'. That he was not allowed to meet his relatives, his brother too was arrested. That.... Kathiravan went on. 7
All this Kathiravan told a stunned court and the public totally spontaneously. He corroborated his statements with events, places, and dates. He demonstrated that the police were fixing the Acharya through him. He admitted that his confessions to the police and to the Tehsildar, used to arrest the Acharya, were obtained under duress. So the star witness against the Acharya in the court is today the star witness against the police in public. 7
But the more dangerous is the testimony of Rajni alias Chinna who also said that he was bashed up for days to tell lies against himself and the Acharya. He lost his teeth in police bashing. He exhibited his injuries to the court. What he said was also identical to what Kathiravan said. Yet both had never met before. He may be the smoking gun against the police who know he is not involved in the crime at all! He is a petty pickpocket, cannot even wield a blade, according to insiders. 7
Rajni also claimed to have a copy of the telegram he had sent to the Chief Justice of the Madras High Court complaining of the torture! Statements of Kathiravan and Rajni are highly corroborated, also spontaneous. They were all along in police custody. Even their relatives were not allowed to meet them. 7
Now after what Kathiravan and Rajni told the Magistrate at Kancheepuram, not the Sankaracharya, but the police stand accused. But still it is Sankaracharya who is in jail and those who are accused of fixing him by fabrication are keeping him in jail. This bizarre situation is a product of a perverted investigation and an equally perverted decision to arrest the Sankaracharya on the basis of a perverted investigation. Yes the prosecution has all but collapsed. The only question is who will do the funeral for it and when. It can happen forthwith if the State realises it has been misled by police. Or years later though courts. Emboldened by the dishonesty of the media the police may still attempt more fabrication to fix the Acharya. But it will get into more trouble and also get the government into more embarrassment. But who will admit that the case is dead? Neither the media, which virtually turned the prosecutor, nor the State whose police, is the fixer. Then who, except the court? 7
With this retraction of the charges made against the Kanchi Seer by two key witnesses, Jayalalitha within two days hurriedly shuffled the police personal to avoid embarrassment. As ordered by Sonia Gandhi, she even upgraded the post of Chief of Tamil Nadu Intelligence wing from Asst DGP to DGP, promoted and posted a Christian A.X. Alexander who was shunted out by her in 2001, so that Antonio Maino can keep an eye on Tamil Nadu. 7
In his truthful and the cutting edge analysis the well known Shri. S. Gurumurthy had laid open the helplessness of the peace loving Hindu community, which is being targeted by inimical forces in the governments and media, and says that only funeral is left for the arrest episode. Janata Party president Dr Subramaniam Swamy has said that the arrest and remand of Kanchi seer Jayendra Saraswathi was "clearly premature". He later stated that Sonia Gandhi had conspired with external agencies and put pressure on Jayalalitha, who is vulnerable because of the court cases against her on corruption charges, to destroy the Kanchi Mutt. This is part of the Christian missionary agenda. The churches are sore that the Kanchi Shankaracharya has been successful in starting schools and building temples in Dalit areas coveted by the missionaries for their conversion activities. 7
There was an earlier murder attempt on two devotees, before the Sankararaman's murder. In that attempt both the devotees, Madhavan and S. Radhakrishnan survived the murder attempt. Conveniently the police never cracked the case even though they claim now that it was carried out by the same Appu gang. Had that murder attempt was successful the Seer would have been framed for their murder earlier. It was well known that the police never bothered to crack this case earlier as that attempt did not result in death. New arrest warrant was issued against the Seer on this murder attempt to trap him in the notorious anti people legal system of India, by Jayalalitha. 7
The arrest of the Seer is unforgivable affront to the Hindu community. Hindus are not violent like Muslims and not networked or funded by external agencies like Christians. These alien religions want to convert the whole of India. The small differences among the Hindus are utilized by these external and foreign religions, Christianity and Islam. This is the reason for centuries of subjugation of Hindus by small groups of violent foreigners. The imprisonment of Seer on murder charges, and his police custody was to manufacture evidence and insult Hindus. The anti Hindu media funded by Muslim and Christian nations had convicted the Seer. Today power brokers are prostitutes, film actors and actresses, pimps, thieves, mass murderers, fake currency and fake stamp paper printers, Muslim terrorists etc. Even Judges like J.P. Singh had to ask the help of notorious terrorist Dawood Ibrahim to collect back the amounts due to him. 7
Jayalalitha the film actress turned politician who came up from the casting couch of yesteryear tamil film world, was elected to power by the film crazy tamilians. She is the symbol of corruption goddess if the court cases against her are any indication. Supreme court had ordered the transfer of cases pending against her out of Tamil Nadu to prevent her influence. When Karunanidhi was in power in 1996, his policemen had arrested Jayalalitha, systematically tortured and lodged her in a stinking cell of Chennai Central Jail. Jayalalitha when in power retaliated in 2001 by arresting 78-year-old Karunanidhi shortly after midnight, and tortured him. 7
Union Commerce Minister Murasoli Maran was injured and was taken to the police station. Murasoli Maran was later admitted to the Apollo Hospital and eventually passed away. The BJP government could neither dismiss Jayalalitha government nor was able to even transfer three policemen who tortured the central ministers as demanded by the DMK. That eventually led to the parting of ways between ruling partner DMK with BJP and cost dearly for BJP when it lost the last parliamentary election. (One of the cops in that was a Muslim Mohamed Ali and the present UPA government had arrested him for his involvement in the Rs 60000 crore fake stamp paper scam run by Telgi.). 7
With more vigour Jayalalitha over reached herself and arrested in her characteristic fashion, the Hindu Seer who is the symbol of Hindu religion. 7
The Justice Jain Commission, which investigated the conspiracy behind the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, in its interim report, stated that Karunanidhi, who was the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu during 1989-91, had links with the assassins. DMK was seen forcing this issue of murder of Sankararaman. Only future can tell us, as to where these events can lead the destinies of Jayalalitha, Karunanidhi, and Sonia Gandhi who are the principal actors in the Seer's arrest. 7
Tamil politicians are from film world and their low background, lack of education and inferiority complex reflect on what is going on in Tamil Nadu politics today. The present arrest of Seer is the result of a filmy type plot, with external funding and organized with the help of Christian bureaucrats in Chennai. (One is forced to remember the case of Mathew of Home ministry who was spying for Tehelka, charge sheeted by CBI, but rehabilitated now by Sonia Gandhi). Tamil Nadu policemen are known for custodial rape, abduction and rape and corruption and a bunch of them currently are being investigated by CBI for abduction and rape of a woman 'Sivakasi Jayalakshmi". 7
Where will this arrest episode will lead? The conspirators have achieved their end result. The Seer arrest is similar to the ISRO spy case initiated by CIA with the help of Christian policemen of Kerala state in India. In this two space scientists were accused of spying, arrested and tortured to fabricate evidence. This was to stop India developing the Cryogenic motor for the space rockets. It is time that Hindus should unite to stop the Christian menace in India. The arrest may even have something to do with the Joshua project, which is aimed at total conversion of the world to Christianity. 7
On counter investigation we found the case against the Sankaracharya slippery. Now it turns out that the case is not just slippery, but actually groundless from day one. Not just that, it involves a bit of fabrication too. Yes, fabrication to fix the Acharya. The police are now running for cover. They may not give up yet, may fabricate more to put the case, which is virtually dead, on life support system. But the case is irretrievably lost. This dramatic turn came on Wednesday in Kancheepuram Magistrate's court. The two criminals, on whom the police had exclusively `relied' to name the Sankaracharya as an accused in the case, have actually turned to accuse the police as fabricators of the case itself!
On January 10, 2005 the Supreme Court granted bail to Shri Jayendra Saraswati, setting aside the order of the Madras High Court, which had denied him bail twice, on November 20 and December 8, 2004. A three-member Bench of the Supreme Court, comprising Chief Justice R.C. Lahoti and Justices G.P. Mathur and P.P. Naolekar, said in their 17-page order that the 39 letters written by Sankararaman to Jayendra Saraswati did not constitute a motive for the murder. 4
The Bench said: "In our opinion, the recovery of these letters from the house of the deceased himself is not a proof of the fact that they were actually received by the petitioner (Jayendra Saraswati) or were brought to his notice." 4
It ruled that "there is absolutely no evidence collected in the investigation that the petitioner made any kind of protest or took any kind of action against the deceased" the court further said "there is absolutely no evidence or material collected so far in the investigation which may indicate that the petitioner had ever shown any resentment against the deceased for having made allegations against either his personal character or the discharge of his duties as the Sankaracharya of the mutt. The petitioner having kept absolutely quiet for over three years, it does not appeal to reason that he suddenly decided to have Sankararaman murdered and entered into a conspiracy for the said purpose," 4
The Bench pointed out that the prosecution's stand, when the Madras High Court twice heard Jayendra Saraswathi's bail petitions, was that Rs. 50 lakhs was withdrawn from the mutt's account in the ICICI Bank at Kancheepuram to be paid to the contract killers. Although the Bench directed the prosecution to give particulars of the bank account from which the money was withdrawn, " no document of the account in the ICICI Bank have been produced in support of the plea which was twice taken by the prosecution before the High Court while opposing the prayer for bail by the petitioner". 4
The State government then took a different stand - that Jayendra Saraswathi paid to the contract killers the advance (Rs. 50 lakhs) he received for the sale of the Kanchi Janakalyan Trust. But, the Bench pointed out that the Rs. 50 lakhs, which was received in cash on April 30, 2004, was deposited in Indian Bank, Sankara Mutt branch, on May 7, 2004 (that is, four months before Sankararaman's murder). It said: "This belies the prosecution case which was developed subsequently after the order had been passed by this Court on December 17, 2004 directing the State to produce copy of the ICICI Bank account, that the cash was retained by the petitioner (Jayendra Saraswathi) from which substantial money was paid to the hirelings." 4When state government found that bail has been granted to Shri Jayendra Saraswati, 70 police personnel led by Premkumar entered the mutt premises at Kanchipuram and arrested Vijayendra Saraswathi. This shows the clear intention of the State government.
To see all articles of writer visit www.bharatsangh.com
Shri B. Shreeprakash carried out Study on missionary work. Whole evidences were collected from missionary reports itself. He wrote nearly 500 letters to these evangelical groups and nearly the same numbers of replies were received. Bibles, New Testaments, books, booklets and pamphlets flowed in and all of them were free of cost. 30 Bibles(with old and new testaments), 20 New Testaments, 40 books, 100 booklets and plenty of pamphlets were received by post. He even received a Free Bible, which was sent to him with Registered Post with postage of Rs72/-. In the bible collection, an English bible signed by Gladdys June Staines. Remains significant. He wondered why these peoples show so much interest for these activities, and how much money spent for him. 3
The lesson plans echoes a high sense of modern educational psychology behind them. They give a comprehensive outlook of Christian Theology. The evaluated answer paper and the score sheet reaches the student very promptly even from abroad. Clarifications for our doubts touch our heart more than our brain. The recurring question use to be, "Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal saviour?”- Each and every module of these Bible courses concludes with this question. If our answer is ‘yes’, a chasing will start until the prey is trapped. 3
Mission field news, messages from heads of churches, request for prayers and funds, evaluation of current situation faced by evangelists, detailed reports on missionary activities in each states and centres. Bible quiz, reports on healing and other miracles done by missionaries etc. fill the pages. Reports revealing the conversions serve as solid proofs, even though exaggeration and under-estimation can be seen here and there. They reveal the systematic work and the close monitoring they do in the name of evangelisation. 3
The policies betray the policy-makers. The so-called secularists, politicians, intellectuals and cultural giants accidentally or deliberately ignore these policies. They often project their own secular ideas as the policy of Christian Missionaries. For example, when there policy clearly states that, “we view evangelism with Conversion as a goal and we want to see people leave their former faiths, whether they are secular or religious faiths, and follow Christ as their only lord”, our secularists hail the missionaries as apostles of secularism. 3
The actual figures of foreign contributions can never be traced out precisely. Whatever studies conducted and whatever facts reveal, are turned down by our ‘secular’ media and our pseudo-cultural giants and misinterpreted before the public as ‘Indian Hindu Fundamentalism ’ and atrocities against minority communities. 3
The world renowned BBC had serialized a vivid and clear picture of the global Missionary activities, in the late eighties of the 20th century itself. When the BBC had serialized through the television, was published as a book named “MISSIONARIES” by BBC Books, a division of BBC, books, in 1990. This book researched and documented by Julian Pettifer and Richard Bradley, reveals the insuperable and inhuman methods adopted by missionaries of expanding the boundaries of Christendom, yet inconceivable for Indian intelligentsia. It clearly shows us how much securely and compassionate these missionaries are. This book is the one of the strong evidence of the cancerous and monstrous face of Christian missionaries, who have invaded and conquered nearly the whole of the world and it gives a deathblow to the arguments of the missionaries that they are the sole agents of love, charity, compassion and even modern civilization. This very book is more than enough for revealing the hypocrisy of the secular missionaries. Have our secular media and secular cultural giants seen this book or they pretended not to have seen? 3
To get rid of threat Hinduism is facing from these evangelist a collective intellectual work should be initiated. Creative solutions should be elucidated from such works. Data from missionary reports should be documented yearly. The work must be centralized. Arrangements should be made to reveal the facts to the public. The social backwardness in some of the sectors of Hindu society should not be overloaded. Now our strategy on conversions is antagonistic. The correct antidote should be applied considering each situation. Aggression always (even though they are highlighted) may not prove fruitful. 3Conclusively it can be said that a socially organized Hindu society with sound cultural awareness is the ultimate solution. First, we must know ‘Swadharma’ ,then only we can sense the merits an demerits of ‘paradharma’. Cherish in our hearts, the lines from Gita, “Death in one’s own Dharma is nobler then accepting Paradharma“. Only by practicing it in our life, we can be true to ourselves and true to our great tradition. 3
The lesson plans echoes a high sense of modern educational psychology behind them. They give a comprehensive outlook of Christian Theology. The evaluated answer paper and the score sheet reaches the student very promptly even from abroad. Clarifications for our doubts touch our heart more than our brain. The recurring question use to be, "Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal saviour?”- Each and every module of these Bible courses concludes with this question. If our answer is ‘yes’, a chasing will start until the prey is trapped. 3
Mission field news, messages from heads of churches, request for prayers and funds, evaluation of current situation faced by evangelists, detailed reports on missionary activities in each states and centres. Bible quiz, reports on healing and other miracles done by missionaries etc. fill the pages. Reports revealing the conversions serve as solid proofs, even though exaggeration and under-estimation can be seen here and there. They reveal the systematic work and the close monitoring they do in the name of evangelisation. 3
The policies betray the policy-makers. The so-called secularists, politicians, intellectuals and cultural giants accidentally or deliberately ignore these policies. They often project their own secular ideas as the policy of Christian Missionaries. For example, when there policy clearly states that, “we view evangelism with Conversion as a goal and we want to see people leave their former faiths, whether they are secular or religious faiths, and follow Christ as their only lord”, our secularists hail the missionaries as apostles of secularism. 3
The actual figures of foreign contributions can never be traced out precisely. Whatever studies conducted and whatever facts reveal, are turned down by our ‘secular’ media and our pseudo-cultural giants and misinterpreted before the public as ‘Indian Hindu Fundamentalism ’ and atrocities against minority communities. 3
The world renowned BBC had serialized a vivid and clear picture of the global Missionary activities, in the late eighties of the 20th century itself. When the BBC had serialized through the television, was published as a book named “MISSIONARIES” by BBC Books, a division of BBC, books, in 1990. This book researched and documented by Julian Pettifer and Richard Bradley, reveals the insuperable and inhuman methods adopted by missionaries of expanding the boundaries of Christendom, yet inconceivable for Indian intelligentsia. It clearly shows us how much securely and compassionate these missionaries are. This book is the one of the strong evidence of the cancerous and monstrous face of Christian missionaries, who have invaded and conquered nearly the whole of the world and it gives a deathblow to the arguments of the missionaries that they are the sole agents of love, charity, compassion and even modern civilization. This very book is more than enough for revealing the hypocrisy of the secular missionaries. Have our secular media and secular cultural giants seen this book or they pretended not to have seen? 3
To get rid of threat Hinduism is facing from these evangelist a collective intellectual work should be initiated. Creative solutions should be elucidated from such works. Data from missionary reports should be documented yearly. The work must be centralized. Arrangements should be made to reveal the facts to the public. The social backwardness in some of the sectors of Hindu society should not be overloaded. Now our strategy on conversions is antagonistic. The correct antidote should be applied considering each situation. Aggression always (even though they are highlighted) may not prove fruitful. 3Conclusively it can be said that a socially organized Hindu society with sound cultural awareness is the ultimate solution. First, we must know ‘Swadharma’ ,then only we can sense the merits an demerits of ‘paradharma’. Cherish in our hearts, the lines from Gita, “Death in one’s own Dharma is nobler then accepting Paradharma“. Only by practicing it in our life, we can be true to ourselves and true to our great tradition. 3
To see all articles of writer visit www.bharatsangh.com
"The end justifies the means", so goes the Jesuit maxim. The Great Commission (Matt. 28:10) commands that all the people of the world be disciple - that is enrolled in Christ's army, or incorporated in his body, the Church. 2
But the world has changed. The colonialist connection of Christianity, which was so helpful in the good old days, has become a stigma that refuses to go. In keeping with the times, Christianity has to be sold as the religion of the downtrodden. Hence, the needs to negate, sanitize, distort and invent! 2
A recurring theme: The aboriginal tribes were marginalized and exploited by Hindus (with the wicked Brahmins in the forefront, of course). These aborigines (adivasis) lacked a systematic religious system. The Christian missionaries appeared on the scene as saviour. Far from the missionaries using force or fraud to convert, it was the tribes who plumped for Christianity. Any nexus between the rulers and the missionaries was indirect. 2
How close was the nexus between the 'neutral' British rulers and Christian missionaries? "It is not only our duty," declared Lord Palmerton, the Prime Minister, "but in our own interest to promote the diffusion of Christianity as far as possible throughout the length and breadth of India." "Every additional Christian," declared Lord Halifax, the Secretary of the State, "is an additional bond of union with this country and an additional source of strength to the Empire." "They are doing for India," as Lord Reay introducing a deputation of Indian Christians to the Prince of Wales, said "more than all those civilians, soldiers, judges and governors whom your Highness has met;" "They are the most potent force in India," declared Sir Mac Worth Young...('Missionaries in India: Continuities, Changes, Dilemmas', Arun Shourie - ASA Publications, 1994, p. 109). In fact, the façade of neutrality was a convenient strategy. As Reverend Tucker told the Select Committee on Indian Territories, in 1853, "I should be sorry to see the Government departing from its present position of strict neutrality. If the Government openly announces Christianity to be a part of the education it imparts, Christianity will immediately lose the high vantage point it now occupies." (ibid, p. 120). 2
Was the missionary concern for the 'tribes' born out of altruism? In his address to the Baptist Missionary Society in London in April 1883, Sir Richard Temple who had been the Finance Minister and Governor of the Bengal and Bombay Presidencies said, "...But what is most important to you friends of missions, is this - that there is a large population of aborigines, a people who are outside caste, who do not belong to any old established religions, who are not under the influence of bigoted and hereditary superstitions. These aborigines by their mind and conscience offer a surface like clean paper, upon which the missionaries may make a mark...If they are attached, as they rapidly may be, to Christianity, they will form a nucleus around which the British power and influence may gather. Remember, too, that Hinduism, although is dying, yet has force, and endeavours to proselytise amongst these people, and such tribes, if not converted to Christianity, may be perverted to Hinduism." (ibid, p.99). 2
In and around 1822, David Scott, Esq., the Commissioner of Koch Bihar first conceived the idea of Christianising the Garo tribe of Assam. He wrote to Bayley, Secretary to Government, "I am satisfied that nothing permanently good can be obtained by other means (than sending a missionary) and that, if we do not interfere on behalf of the poor Garo, they will soon become Hindu or half-Hindu. Secretary Bayley sent a most encouraging letter in reply closing with the words, "I do not think the favourable opportunity for making this interesting experiment should be lost." (Milton Sangma, 'Garo Beliefs and Christianity' in 'The Tribes of North-East India', ed. Sebastian Karotemprei, Firma KLM Pvt. Ltd., 1984, Shillong, p. 99). 2
Was the 'tribal religion' really separate from Hinduism? Who coined mischievous terms like 'animism' and 'adivasi' (original inhabitant)? V.J. Middleton in his thesis for the Fuller Theological Seminary makes a statement that Hinduism pervades practically every tribal religion. Rev. Chhangte Lal Hminga himself admits that the Mizos knew the story of Rama and Sita. At the foot of the Lushai (Mizo) hills, rudely carved idols of a God sitting cross-legged and a goddess standing as well as pagoda-like buildings have been found toward the close of the 19th century. The Mizos believed in life after death (The Life and Witness of the Churches in Mizoram, Rev. Dr. C.L. Hminga, Literature Committee, Baptist Church of Mizoram, 1987, pp. 12, 35). Evidence of the prevalence of Hinduism and its cults of the sun and mother goddess in the Munda & Oraon region dates back to the early medieval age. The impact of Hinduism resulted in acceptance by the tribes of Siva as Mahadeva Bonga and Parvati as Chandi Bonga (K.K. Verma and Ramesh Sinha, 'Socio-Political Movements among the Munda and the Oraon', in 'The Tribal World and its Transformation, ed. Bhupinder Singh, J.S. Bhandari, Concept Publishing Company, p.4). The Gond of Ranchi observes Ear-boring and sacred-thread ceremonies. The Ranchi Gonds are ideally supposed to put Ganga water along with some Tulsi leaves into the mouth of a Gond on his deathbed. The Gonds offer worship to Mahadev, Ram and Krishna. They honour the cow. They are emphatic to their claim that they are Hindus (Satish Kumar, 'The Gond of Ranchi', ibid. p. 144). 2
The Mishing of Assam adopted the 'Bhakatya Panth' and recite religious verses of 'Kirtana' and other 'Punthis' (books) written by Shankar Deva and Madhab Deva (D. Doley, 'The Tribes of North-East India', pp. 92-93). The Lalung (Tiwa) tribe of Assam got their names from the Shiva's Lal (Saliva). The Reang of Tripura perform Lakshmi Pooja, Ker Pooja, Tripurasundari Pooja and Chitragupta Pooja every year and have close interactions with Hindu Bengalis. The Hajong of Meghalay have been following Hindu rites and customs. The origin of the Hindu shrine of Kamakhya, near Guwahati is attributed to the Khasis. Hindu deities like Ranachandi, Viskuram have found place in the Khasi Pantheon. The Khasis believe in re-birth. The Rabha of Assam worship the cow as a goddess. The Monpa (Tsanglas) in the south of Tibet trace their lineage to Guru Padmasambhava (Rimpoche). The above could simply have not been possible if the Hindu Society had marginalized the tribes. In fact, the tribes are Hindus in their beliefs and modes of worship. 2
It was the mischief of the British rulers and missionaries to label these Hindu 'Vanavasis' as animists and detach them from the Hindu Society! The 1901 census noted in its report that 'the dividing line between Hinduism and Animism is uncertain'. The 1921 census noted that it is never possible to say where Animism begins and Hinduism ends. The 1931 census abandoned the term 'Animism' and replaced it by a new category, 'tribal religions'. 2
The missionaries have popularised the term 'adivasis' for the tribes to imply that the non-tribals (read Hindus) are immigrants (like the Mughals and the British) and had chased these original inhabitants to the forests where the missionaries 'saved' them. In fact, the proper term for 'tribals' should be 'vanavasi'. Similarly, the term 'Diku' used by the Kolarian tribe was first coined by the missionaries to mean mainly the Hindus to imbue in the minds of the tribes the idea to look upon Hindus as exploiters (Singh, Bhandari, p.31). 2
Did the 'tribals' uniformly look upon the missionaries as friends? Were the Hindus in the plains always looked upon as exploiters? The legendary Munda hero Birsa, who is revered as 'Birsa Bhagwan' was in fact dissatisfied with the teachings of the missionaries who hurt the feelings of the tribes by speaking ill of their religions and left his earlier association with them. Armed Munda under his leadership, in fact, timed an attack on the missionaries, landlords and Police on Christmas Eve, 1899. Birsa caused apprehension among the missionaries and they prevailed upon the government to arrest him and sentence him 22 years in jail (Singh, Bhandari, pp. 7, 29). The Mizos had strongly resisted the missionaries. A popular heathen song "Puma Zai" had the following words to deride the Christian preachers "Carrying book, imitating foreigners, always proclaiming something, Puma!" (Hminga, p.87). What an apt description! The attempt of missionaries to pressurize the Khasi parents to send their children to schools provoked the 'rebellion' in the Jainitia Hills (1862-64), which was ruthlessly suppressed. Babu Jeebon Roy (b. 1838), the first Khasi to join government service started a literary movement to revive the ancient Khasi heritage. Prominent Khasi personalities like Babu Sibcharan Ray (b. 1862) focussed on the close proximity between Khasi and Hindu religions. He edited a paper 'U Nonphira' which was critical of the British and the missionaries. 2He was an active member of the Congress and the Brahmo Samaj and had studied and translated Hindu classics like Bhagavad Gita, Chanakyaniti-Darpana, etc. into Khasi (Karotemprei, pp. 331-332). A Hindu religious leader Bhagirath Babaji had sponsored the Kharwar of Sapha Hor, a socio-political uprising amongst the Santals in 1871. The Heraka movement led by Jodunang (1905-1931) and later by the legendary Rani Gaidiniu among Zaliangrong Nagas was a counter to the missionary activities, which according to anthropologists like Elwin, and Haimendorf 'had demoralized and destroyed the solidarity of the Naga by forbidding the joys of feasting, decorations and the romance of communal life!' The missionaries to this day, pose the greatest danger to tribal culture and national security in the sensitive Northeast of our country. Missionaries insist that they are here to 'save our bodies and souls'. God save us from being 'saved'! 2
But the world has changed. The colonialist connection of Christianity, which was so helpful in the good old days, has become a stigma that refuses to go. In keeping with the times, Christianity has to be sold as the religion of the downtrodden. Hence, the needs to negate, sanitize, distort and invent! 2
A recurring theme: The aboriginal tribes were marginalized and exploited by Hindus (with the wicked Brahmins in the forefront, of course). These aborigines (adivasis) lacked a systematic religious system. The Christian missionaries appeared on the scene as saviour. Far from the missionaries using force or fraud to convert, it was the tribes who plumped for Christianity. Any nexus between the rulers and the missionaries was indirect. 2
How close was the nexus between the 'neutral' British rulers and Christian missionaries? "It is not only our duty," declared Lord Palmerton, the Prime Minister, "but in our own interest to promote the diffusion of Christianity as far as possible throughout the length and breadth of India." "Every additional Christian," declared Lord Halifax, the Secretary of the State, "is an additional bond of union with this country and an additional source of strength to the Empire." "They are doing for India," as Lord Reay introducing a deputation of Indian Christians to the Prince of Wales, said "more than all those civilians, soldiers, judges and governors whom your Highness has met;" "They are the most potent force in India," declared Sir Mac Worth Young...('Missionaries in India: Continuities, Changes, Dilemmas', Arun Shourie - ASA Publications, 1994, p. 109). In fact, the façade of neutrality was a convenient strategy. As Reverend Tucker told the Select Committee on Indian Territories, in 1853, "I should be sorry to see the Government departing from its present position of strict neutrality. If the Government openly announces Christianity to be a part of the education it imparts, Christianity will immediately lose the high vantage point it now occupies." (ibid, p. 120). 2
Was the missionary concern for the 'tribes' born out of altruism? In his address to the Baptist Missionary Society in London in April 1883, Sir Richard Temple who had been the Finance Minister and Governor of the Bengal and Bombay Presidencies said, "...But what is most important to you friends of missions, is this - that there is a large population of aborigines, a people who are outside caste, who do not belong to any old established religions, who are not under the influence of bigoted and hereditary superstitions. These aborigines by their mind and conscience offer a surface like clean paper, upon which the missionaries may make a mark...If they are attached, as they rapidly may be, to Christianity, they will form a nucleus around which the British power and influence may gather. Remember, too, that Hinduism, although is dying, yet has force, and endeavours to proselytise amongst these people, and such tribes, if not converted to Christianity, may be perverted to Hinduism." (ibid, p.99). 2
In and around 1822, David Scott, Esq., the Commissioner of Koch Bihar first conceived the idea of Christianising the Garo tribe of Assam. He wrote to Bayley, Secretary to Government, "I am satisfied that nothing permanently good can be obtained by other means (than sending a missionary) and that, if we do not interfere on behalf of the poor Garo, they will soon become Hindu or half-Hindu. Secretary Bayley sent a most encouraging letter in reply closing with the words, "I do not think the favourable opportunity for making this interesting experiment should be lost." (Milton Sangma, 'Garo Beliefs and Christianity' in 'The Tribes of North-East India', ed. Sebastian Karotemprei, Firma KLM Pvt. Ltd., 1984, Shillong, p. 99). 2
Was the 'tribal religion' really separate from Hinduism? Who coined mischievous terms like 'animism' and 'adivasi' (original inhabitant)? V.J. Middleton in his thesis for the Fuller Theological Seminary makes a statement that Hinduism pervades practically every tribal religion. Rev. Chhangte Lal Hminga himself admits that the Mizos knew the story of Rama and Sita. At the foot of the Lushai (Mizo) hills, rudely carved idols of a God sitting cross-legged and a goddess standing as well as pagoda-like buildings have been found toward the close of the 19th century. The Mizos believed in life after death (The Life and Witness of the Churches in Mizoram, Rev. Dr. C.L. Hminga, Literature Committee, Baptist Church of Mizoram, 1987, pp. 12, 35). Evidence of the prevalence of Hinduism and its cults of the sun and mother goddess in the Munda & Oraon region dates back to the early medieval age. The impact of Hinduism resulted in acceptance by the tribes of Siva as Mahadeva Bonga and Parvati as Chandi Bonga (K.K. Verma and Ramesh Sinha, 'Socio-Political Movements among the Munda and the Oraon', in 'The Tribal World and its Transformation, ed. Bhupinder Singh, J.S. Bhandari, Concept Publishing Company, p.4). The Gond of Ranchi observes Ear-boring and sacred-thread ceremonies. The Ranchi Gonds are ideally supposed to put Ganga water along with some Tulsi leaves into the mouth of a Gond on his deathbed. The Gonds offer worship to Mahadev, Ram and Krishna. They honour the cow. They are emphatic to their claim that they are Hindus (Satish Kumar, 'The Gond of Ranchi', ibid. p. 144). 2
The Mishing of Assam adopted the 'Bhakatya Panth' and recite religious verses of 'Kirtana' and other 'Punthis' (books) written by Shankar Deva and Madhab Deva (D. Doley, 'The Tribes of North-East India', pp. 92-93). The Lalung (Tiwa) tribe of Assam got their names from the Shiva's Lal (Saliva). The Reang of Tripura perform Lakshmi Pooja, Ker Pooja, Tripurasundari Pooja and Chitragupta Pooja every year and have close interactions with Hindu Bengalis. The Hajong of Meghalay have been following Hindu rites and customs. The origin of the Hindu shrine of Kamakhya, near Guwahati is attributed to the Khasis. Hindu deities like Ranachandi, Viskuram have found place in the Khasi Pantheon. The Khasis believe in re-birth. The Rabha of Assam worship the cow as a goddess. The Monpa (Tsanglas) in the south of Tibet trace their lineage to Guru Padmasambhava (Rimpoche). The above could simply have not been possible if the Hindu Society had marginalized the tribes. In fact, the tribes are Hindus in their beliefs and modes of worship. 2
It was the mischief of the British rulers and missionaries to label these Hindu 'Vanavasis' as animists and detach them from the Hindu Society! The 1901 census noted in its report that 'the dividing line between Hinduism and Animism is uncertain'. The 1921 census noted that it is never possible to say where Animism begins and Hinduism ends. The 1931 census abandoned the term 'Animism' and replaced it by a new category, 'tribal religions'. 2
The missionaries have popularised the term 'adivasis' for the tribes to imply that the non-tribals (read Hindus) are immigrants (like the Mughals and the British) and had chased these original inhabitants to the forests where the missionaries 'saved' them. In fact, the proper term for 'tribals' should be 'vanavasi'. Similarly, the term 'Diku' used by the Kolarian tribe was first coined by the missionaries to mean mainly the Hindus to imbue in the minds of the tribes the idea to look upon Hindus as exploiters (Singh, Bhandari, p.31). 2
Did the 'tribals' uniformly look upon the missionaries as friends? Were the Hindus in the plains always looked upon as exploiters? The legendary Munda hero Birsa, who is revered as 'Birsa Bhagwan' was in fact dissatisfied with the teachings of the missionaries who hurt the feelings of the tribes by speaking ill of their religions and left his earlier association with them. Armed Munda under his leadership, in fact, timed an attack on the missionaries, landlords and Police on Christmas Eve, 1899. Birsa caused apprehension among the missionaries and they prevailed upon the government to arrest him and sentence him 22 years in jail (Singh, Bhandari, pp. 7, 29). The Mizos had strongly resisted the missionaries. A popular heathen song "Puma Zai" had the following words to deride the Christian preachers "Carrying book, imitating foreigners, always proclaiming something, Puma!" (Hminga, p.87). What an apt description! The attempt of missionaries to pressurize the Khasi parents to send their children to schools provoked the 'rebellion' in the Jainitia Hills (1862-64), which was ruthlessly suppressed. Babu Jeebon Roy (b. 1838), the first Khasi to join government service started a literary movement to revive the ancient Khasi heritage. Prominent Khasi personalities like Babu Sibcharan Ray (b. 1862) focussed on the close proximity between Khasi and Hindu religions. He edited a paper 'U Nonphira' which was critical of the British and the missionaries. 2He was an active member of the Congress and the Brahmo Samaj and had studied and translated Hindu classics like Bhagavad Gita, Chanakyaniti-Darpana, etc. into Khasi (Karotemprei, pp. 331-332). A Hindu religious leader Bhagirath Babaji had sponsored the Kharwar of Sapha Hor, a socio-political uprising amongst the Santals in 1871. The Heraka movement led by Jodunang (1905-1931) and later by the legendary Rani Gaidiniu among Zaliangrong Nagas was a counter to the missionary activities, which according to anthropologists like Elwin, and Haimendorf 'had demoralized and destroyed the solidarity of the Naga by forbidding the joys of feasting, decorations and the romance of communal life!' The missionaries to this day, pose the greatest danger to tribal culture and national security in the sensitive Northeast of our country. Missionaries insist that they are here to 'save our bodies and souls'. God save us from being 'saved'! 2
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